Chapter 23

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As I checked the time on my phone, I had realized that two a.m. was a good time to leave the beach. The air had gotten chilly and I wrapped myself in my sweater as Tate took me home. With a simple kiss goodbye, we were both off to our houses.

The moment I had walked inside, I saw the suitcases laying at the staircase. My dad's suitcases. He was back. My mom actually let him back. I shook my head and sighed. Why was he back? Is that why he was at the beach? Did my mom send him after me?

This was not good. My dad would continue to drag my mom down. He would get caught, cry and moan about how he wasn't good enough, and then further manipulate my mom into believing his lies. I felt disgusted that these things were my parents. 

With a sigh, and a kick to my dad's shit, I headed up to bed. I stripped out of my clothes and thew myself into bed. As soon as my head had hit the pillow, I was passed the fuck out.


It was dark, so dark. I couln't see my own hands in front of my face. Dots and swirls lined my vision, the only thing I could see in the dark, dark woods. I could hear the crunch of leaves under my feet, the smell of creek water, and the feel of bushes and vines snagging onto my clothes as I tried to find my way out of the darkness.

I put my hands out in front of me so I wouldn't trip over anything, but fall I did. I went tumbling down what seemed like an endless hill. Rocks and small sticks pocked at me and pierced my skin as I rolled in different angles and directions before coming to a stop. I tried to catch my breath, but between the extreme darkness and my fall, I couldn't pull oxygen into my lungs. 

The feeling of being blind, hurt, and scared was unknown to me. I tried to be brave, but I started to cry. Deep sobs echoed in the forest around me. I curled up into myself, shielding the dark and cold from my body.

I don't know how I got here. I don't know where this is. I assumed it was some type of woods. I could hear water from a creek, the sound of rustling leaves in the wind. 

All of the sudden someone, or something, gripped my arms and pulled me up. I could feel a firm body behind mine, cold hands squeezing my wrists so hard finger prints would be left behind. 

"Do not move," A voice hissed and I stilled. "I can hear your heartbeat, kitten."

And I'm sure the man could. I could feel it pounding in my chest, so loud it also sounded in my ears. 

"Do you know what happens to little girls who venture into the woods alone?" He questioned sweetly, yet with a tint of malice.

I shook my head. At my answer, he laughed. It was a frightening sound. Not because it was pure evil, but because I had heard that laugh before. Not as similar, but yet the sound of the voice was familiar. I knew this person, yet I didn't.

"You're going to die, kitten. And I'm going to have so much fun watching the last breath fall from those perfect lips of yours." And with those words, light suddenly flooded my eyes, making me squint so hard I almost couldn't see.

But the brown eyes staring down at me I could see clear as day. They were haunted, wild.

I knew those eyes.


I didn't wake with a start like I usually did after my nightmares. I just slowly blinked my eyes open and lifted my wrists to my sight. I was not surprised to see the finger prints of the ghost that haunted my dreams. I shut my eyes and rolled over, groaning as my body ached at the sudden movement. My head pounded as I heard a knock at my door.

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