Chapter 6

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"We can't be friends because I want to fuck you." He hissed.

After his shocking revelation, he put out his cigarette and walked back to his house. I sat in shock.   I wasn't sure how to respond to that. Yeah I knew boys had hormones, but Jesus, the way he said it. He sounded so angry but I could hear the truth in his words.

I had never really taken much to boys back in Boston. I had a boyfriend in 8th grade but as soon as I got to high school, I fell into a really pathetic obsession with this preppy kid, Josh. He was nice to me in the classes we shared, and I thought he wasn't the typical dumbass, meat head jock. And I was really surprised when he asked me out on a date. I had my first kiss that night, but I was devastated the next day when I saw him holding hands with his freaking girlfriend. He had one the whole time and played me as a joke between his friends. 

I didn't really date after that, and never really planned to for a fucking long time.

But being in L.A. for the short amount of time and already feeling a connection to Tate startled me. He was gorgeous, not that looks count for everything, and wanted to listen to me when I spoke. 

I have always been a loner. And it felt great that he wanted to know my background, no matter how shitty. But who am I kidding, he probably just wanted to bum a cigarette and hated awkward silences.

Of course, look at me. I don't have a nice body. Yeah I am not packing on the pounds, but all my bones stick out unattractively. And my mom thinks I wear baggy clothes just for fashion. Psh. My hipbones stick out and when I lift my arms over my head, you can definitely see some ribs poking out. No matter how much I ate, or what I ate, nothing came onto my body. The people at McDonalds must think I have a worm or something, considering I could get through a 20 piece chicken nugget box and a large fry. And maybe an apple pie, depending on my mood.

 Genes is a fucked up game. My mom's voluptuous bod must of died in the gene pool, giving me small B cup breasts and a small ass. But both of those assets are perky, so I guess I shouldn't complain.

 So there was nothing for Tate to see. He wasn't buff or 'ripped.' I could definitely see some definiton though and lithe muscles. He looks like a runner, or maybe a surfer. Yeah I could definitely see him as a surfer with that messy hair and great body. Though every time I had seen him so far, he was wearing baggy clothes, but that fit bod wasn't my imagination.

Okay, thinking about it, I kinda wanted to 'fuck' him too. But I am not a slut, boy's gotta work for this. 

Haha, I crack myself up. No joke though, if Tate wants to take me out, I won't deny him.

I could see a light turn on in the house and Tate's blonde curls shone in the light as he passed by the window. He peaked down and looked away quickly when he saw me still sitting there outside. I gave a small wave and he gave me a tentative smile. He was probably still weary that he freaked me out by his confession.

He would learn that it takes a lot to freak me out.

"Violet, what are you doing?" A growl scared the shit out of me.

My dad was standing behind me, in his boxers, ewe, and looking pointedly from me to Tate's window.

"I'm having a smoke, want one?" I tried to joke, but he growled at me again. When did I get a dog for a dad?

"I don't want you talking to that boy! From what I've heard, he's a big trouble maker and a psycho in the works. And give me those cigarettes, you know how your mom feels about them." I handed him the pack and tried to look mad about it.

That dick didn't know I had a pack or two upstairs in my room. 

"I wasn't talking to him, Ben," He growled, again, at me calling him by his first name. "I simply waved to him, calm down."

"That better of been the case. Now get to bed." He tried to sound authoritative. I laughed as I clunked my boots every hard against the stairs just to piss him off some more.

I quickly stripped off my clothes and looked through my boxes I still hadn't opened for pajamas. I found just a raggety, oversized t-shirt and decided that was good enough for me. After my head poked through the hole, I could see Tate watching me from his bedroom. 

Tate had seen me, in my underwear. My mismatched, couldn't find a matching pair underwear. My ugly black polka dotted bra and lacy white boy shorts. Oh my God, why didn't I shut the blinds? Because I am an idiot, that's why.

Yeah, I bet he wanted to fuck me now.

My cheeks were a brilliant red by then and I stood there like a dumbass watching him back. When he started laughing, I got pissed. Again at him. In one night!

I threw the window open and whisper yelled at him. "What the fuck is your problem? Don't look at me when I'm half naked, you pervert!"

"Did you already forget what I told you, Violet? I considered this a pre show for the grand finale." He said with a smirk and then shut his window and the blinds.

Oh yeah, he wanted me. And I kind of liked it.

Sorry I haven't updated in a long time! But here's an extra long chapter to make up for it xD Please comment and vote. I will update faster knowing I have some fans and support :)

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