Chapter 18

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The soundless words rung in my head over and over again.

Get away now.

Get away. Now.

My body trembled in Gabe's arms as I closed my eyes and tried to breathe. Tate's anger was palpable; I could feel it radiating off in black waves that sent spikes of fear down my spine. I had never felt anything so malicious and frightening, but even through my haze, Tate was still set high on a pedestal in my heart. No matter what he did, I would love Tate.

And that's what scared me the most. I was scared he would hurt me, over and over again, and I would accept it because I loved him. There was something about Tate that I couldn't put my finger on. He was like the middle of the summer one day, and then the dead of winter the next. His emotional roller coaster was giving me whiplash. 

I was torn out of my thoughts when Gabe grabbed onto me tightly and pulled me back into his chest. I turned to yell at him to let me go, but my mouth closed tightly at the sight of his eyes bugging out. I looked in the direction of his frightened eyes and felt my heart lurch in response. 

Tate was storming his way over towards us, his fists clenched at his sides and his face scrunched up in concentration and anger. Each demanding step he took made it feel like it was harder to breathe. As he got closer, my body began to turn into Gabe's more; trying to find safety in my friend. But apparently, it was the wrong thing to do. Tate eyed Gabe is rage and disgust, his lips curling. 

And then his eyes turned to mine right as he approached us.

A yelp left my lips as he grabbed my wrist and yanked me to his side. I was dragged behind him as Gabe realized what happened and started yelling. He screamed out to Tate to let me go, but he ignored him. I wrestled against his grip, but his warning glare told me to stop. So I tried to keep pace with him as he guided us to my house and through the basement.

He mumbled something about coming back to where it started. I had no idea what he was talking about considering the first time I even saw Tate was through a window. Not in my dank, musky basement.

We made our way through the house, Tate never releasing me from his strong hold, even as he dragged me up the stairs and down the hall to my room. He didn't let go until we were in my room and he had locked the door. Silence except for his labored breathing echoed in the room. 

"You will not see him again."

The shock of him speaking made my heart stutter. I hadn't heard his voice in weeks. The cool yet sarcastic lit to his voice was replaced by a harsh, demanding tone that scared me. He had never really sounded so malicious until that point.

"Do you understand me?"

My mind finally cleared up enough to understand what he was asking me to do. He wanted me to give up Gabe, the only friend I had made. I didn't have friends at school, and maybe it was because I had stopped going weeks ago. 

"No." I bravely said.

He had the audacity to look upset.

"Violet I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. I don't want you anywhere near that douchebag!" He growled.

"I don't care, Tate! You haven't talked to me in weeks, and yet here you are telling me a whole bunch of bullshit!" I threw my hands up in disbelief and walked away from him.

"His hands were all over you! It was disgusting to see you even look in his direction, Violet." He crossed the room to try to be closer to me, but I continued to back up away from him.

"Tate, listen to yourself. You're just jealous that someone actually is interested in me, and that all my attention isn't centered on you. You're just as selfish as your mother!" It slipped out of my mouth, and I instantly regretted it when he flinched at my harsh scream.

My eyes slid closed in fear as he towered over me. His chest was centimeters away from mine, and his forehead pressed down to mine. I jumped when I felt him brush his lips over my nose. 

"You're mine, Violet. You will not see him again. The one I love isn't going to hang around with that lovesick puppy." He declared in his most demanding, yet loving voice. 

My heart stopped completely and my eyes snapped open to look into his. His declaration caught me in surprise and I didn't know what to say.

Tate loves me.



Sorry about the very short chapter! I just couldn't wait to post this. The first version of this chapter was way longer, but I decided to chop it up into two chapters. And SURPRISE~ New cover from the lovely @galaxykat

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