Chapter 12

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Uh oh. You know when you say the wrong thing, and the other person gets super pissed? This was one of those times.

"Seriously?!" Tate bellowed.

Well that was not the reaction I had been expecting. At all. I thought once I told him that I had feelings for him, he would be elated and excited. Not angry. What the fuck?

"So this whole time, you've liked me," His eyes were angry and his lips drawn in a snarl. "What kind of game are you playing, Violet? Hard to get? See how long I could squirm before I came begging like a dog?"

"What? No!" I yelled back. "I'm not playing any games with you Tate. Yeah I like you, so what. Am I supposed to swoon at your feet like a lovesick idiot? I don't want to like you!"

His brown eyes became wide as I screamed back in his face. His once angry face became stoic. He clenched his fists and turned his face away from mine. Blonde curls shadowed his face, making him look so vulnerable and sad. I felt like such a douche for throwing his feelings, and mine, back in his face.

We stood in silence for minutes. The only sound made was from my deep breathes and his occasional sighs. He finally turned back to me.

"I'm sorry that it makes you so sick to like me. I'll leave you alone from now on, Violet." He said, defeated. He gave me one last hopeful, desperate look before shaking his head and walking away.

My throat closed up as I watched him walk away. My chest tightened with every step he took. He didn't look back, and that was the stab in my heart. I could feel tears leak into my eyes, and I wiped them away with my sleeve as they started to fall. My legs wouldn't stand any longer and I fell into the grass. That was the breaking point. Sobs left my throat as I curled into myself.

I cried until no more tears came and dry hiccups constricted my chest. I hugged my knees to my chest and rested my head on them. My eyes felt sore as I closed them. It was hard to breathe, but I drew in a deep breath of air to calm my rattling heart. 

Tate walking away wasn't supposed to effect me. I spent weeks avoiding him and convincing myself that he didn't mean anything. He was just a crush. I was so wrong. Just knowing that I'd driven him to give up on me made my stomach turn and my heart crack down the middle. The connection I felt to Tate started the first time I'd seen him. 

And as I sat there, I realized the truth. I just didn't simply like Tate.

I was in love with him. And he wanted nothing to do with me.

K guys. Sorry this was updated pretty late. I was having some personal issues and school started. So enjoy this chapter! Read, vote, comment! 

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