Chapter 11

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Paying attention in school for once was hard work. Not only did I have to sit there for 7 hours, I had to come home and do at least 2 more hours of homework a night. My school bag was filled with math homework, books, and pencils chewed down to the end. I did nothing but solve equations and read books by dead guys.

But one good thing did come out of my suffering. My declare of a silent war against Tate was in progress. Not only did I avoid talking to him as much as possible, I stopped trying to sneak a peek at his window. And that within itself was hard- I mean, his body, come on. And I hardly talked to him. If he talked, at all, I would give short one word answers. I think I created the cold shoulder, or just improved it. He caught on quickly and gave me space.

Not for long. Because after those few days of surrender, he came back with a vengeance. He walked with me to and from school. He offered me cigarettes. He burned mix CD's for me. And strangely, knew that I hated my mother's vegan home cooking, and brought me a big bag filled with a large fry and burger from McDonald's. There was even a little toy sitting in the bottom. But the worst thing was when he gave me sad side glances. He was like a puppy with his big brown eyes and floppy curls. Pangs of guilt and hurt constantly stabbed at my conscious, but I wouldn't give into him.

I was Violet Harmon, and I seriously needed to get a boy out of my head.

So for three long weeks, my plan worked. And my grades improved drastically. Before I was pulling the bare minimum for a C average, and then, I was almost at a B average, and my teachers loved me. At least I thought they did. But not my gym teachers. No matter how much I wanted to avoid Tate with school, I was still not going to run laps outside in the LA heat. Instead I hide in the bleachers smoking and watching Tate running with his track team. He was a fast runner, from what I could tell. The best part was seeing him all rugged and sweaty by the end of class. He always took his shirt off to wipe the sweat off from his body. All lean muscles and sun kissed skin.

Okay, okay, technically drooling over Tate was not getting over him. But my 16 year old hormones strongly urged me to watch. So I did. It was a small reward for my hard work.

Though I was rudely awakened from my victories when one night Tate wouldn't take "Sorry can't talk right now" as an excuse. He grabbed my wrist as I was walking into the backyard to smoke.

"Are you avoiding me?" He came right out with it.

"Uhm, no." I replied awkwardly.

"Don't lie to me. Yes you are." He said through gritted teeth. 

I rolled my eyes at him as I lit a cigarette. I took a long drag before speaking. "Tate, I have a life. One that doesn't revolve around your time schedule. Sorry I've been busy."

"Are you fucking kidding me? You won't talk to me, you barely look at me, and you run in the other direction when I'm near. What did I do to you?" Tate growled at me, but his eyes looked sad.

"Nothing at all. I just need some space, from everyone. It's not-"

"Seriously? Everyone? So the guy who randomly shows up is being avoided too?"

Shit. He saw Gabe. I took to hanging out with Gabe to help get my mind off of Tate. Gabe was the perfect friend. He took me to the burger joint we first met in, to the skate park, and sometimes the mall. He was just so relaxed and chilled out about everything that he made you feel just so calm and cool.

"Yeah, Gabe. My friend. You don't avoid friends." I argued.

"What about me? I thought we were friends." He rebutted.

"Noooo, you said you couldn't be my friend remember?" I pointed out, sticking my finger in his face. "You wanna fuck me, as I recall you saying."

His face reddened and he looked away.

"Yeah but if you remember, I also said that I liked you." He said.

My heart flipped. I liked him so much, but I didn't want to be weak and give in. All the time I spent avoiding him and trying to be strong would be wasted if I acted like the little girl my heart wanted me to be.

I had to admit it to myself, and to him, that I liked him too. He deserved that. "I think I like you too."

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