The Kremlin

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I've been on the truck for several hours, we're currently driving inside a secret military underground road that only Natasha knew, it's located deep in Zvenigorod. Suddenly, the truck stop

"Dead end. We walk from here." She said, jumped out of the truck. In front of me was an old blast door, look very sturdy. I unload the supplies "Wait. Unload a few of them only. The last thing we want is this place being destroyed and nothing else to scavenge." Dima help me take the supplies out. I'm still surprise that the underground road isn't as dark as I thought it would be "The ladder is over here. Moscow should be right above us." She climbed up the ladder and push the hatch up. Lights pouring inside the tunnel. I climbed up last, when I was I the ground. I was speechless

"No... It can't be..." The scene is the same as other cities. Ruins after ruins, vehicle corpses and roads with cracks. The fog stop us from seeing any further "We need to find a military base. There we might have some answer." Natasha said, pointing her finger blindly in the distance. It's weird to see only three of us wander around in middle of the busiest city in the whole USSR. The three of us wander deeper inside the city, I can see some of the flags of USSR hanging on the wall or being burnt or ripped off

"Wait. Is that light over there?" Dima pointed at a building near us. I squeezed my eyes just to see a bit of light from the fog. He took the Kalashnikov out, Natasha took out her as well "I'm going in, watch my back." I signaled them, then I slowly walk in with the Makarov ready in my holster. As I approach closer the light is getting clearer and clearer. In front of me was a fortified base. On the other side I see a tank. As I go in further more buildings appeared to be occupied

Then a gun cocks right of me "Stay right there." He kicked on my knee and hit my back with the stock "Who are you heh? One of them?" At this time I felt the cold barrel of a shotgun press onto my head "You don't wanna do this my friend." Dima said, pointing the gun at one of them with Natasha pointing at the other "I'm certain that you're KGB. Name is Natasha. Part of KGB. I noticed how you said my friend here's one of 'them'." They looks at each other and then release me "Come. This is not our territory." They said. Not our? What're they saying?

"I think I heard noises over there! Check it out." A German soldier shouted out, I'm too familiar with their language. We ran with the Russian soldiers

We followed them for quite awhile and its leads outside of the Kremlin "Our base is over there. The other one is German's Zone and the one in the further South is American and Brits. They're destroying every of our bases retreats." They said. Now I'm understand what's going on. In front a Fortress towers in it glory, bullets and artillery holes riddled into the Fortress wall but the road there filled with vehicle scraps and decaying corpses also craters. They guided us inside the base avoiding land mines and traps. Inside of the Fortress was a cramped area with crates stockpiling nearly everywhere. Vehicles, Artillery, etc.

The Russian soldiers with Natasha went to an elderly man, talking to him. Later he came to us "Welcome. You'll be a good addition to our fighting force. As you can see, Moscow is occupied by multiple nations. But there's still a nuclear bomb in Moscow, we need it on our side. And yes, I'm General Reznov." He briefed us

"So what are we doing now? Fighting against the Germans and their allies? No way we're going to survive it!" Dima said, the General calmly replied "There's a fog going on right now. The two that you saw earlier are our scouts, they're sent to locate the nuclear bomb. We're going to use the fog to sneak inside then steal the bomb." "And?" I cut him off "And we drop it on our enemy. If we can't recapture our lands then we shall destroy it!" He said with determination, but he also know that the Nuclear blast will kill us off too. They're crazy, isn't they? This will be the end of the world I bet

Chapter ended

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