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The moment we goes inside, I noticed that there are footprints. Two shoe prints and an animal print heading into a room right of us "Dima, check this out. We got some footprints." I said quietly, he kneel down next to me and check "An animal and two other footprints. Interesting..." "I think we should follow them, that room over there." I said pointing the room "You go first, I'll cover." Dima said taking out the pistol, he put his hand on me and I move close to the door

I can kick it open and surprise them or take a little peak and then break in. I think to myself, my nature told me to kick it in but my brain said not. In final, I got on my brain side and choose to be careful. I heard something growling inside, I looked back and Dima looks at me nodding. I peek opened the door and something jumped right on it knocking me back and shuts the door

"Ouch! What the hell just happened?!" Then I heard the growling and scratching sound from the door, looks like it scent us and wanted us to be it next meal "Alexander, let's shoot down that wolf. This aluminum door isn't that-" "No! You want to alert the whole damn place? Let's just leave it be for now, we'll come back later." I said retreating back to the lobby, there we goes up the stair

Dima looked at the building mapping "Let's see here, we have medical bay... I can see the barrack over there, and the headquarter is up this way." He pointed straight to the corridor that's blocked by the furnitures. "Let's go there then." I added

Together we moved along the small corridor. If that wolf jumped on us right here, there will be no chance to dodge it. Looking at the crowbar in Dima's hand, I'm sure that he's about to break that open. I decided to help him

Few minutes later

The furnitures have been moved and we got access to the headquarter, Dima take a look inside. He's squeezing his knife while going in. The room was emptied, the lockers here falls and the documents are lying around inside "Let's look through this mess here... Fire orders... Executions... Retreat order... Nuclear threat?" He stopped at the last one, he sound shocking and surprised. What on earth is happening?! A nuclear strike on top of the Motherland?! "Dima, give me the file. I'll take a look at it." He passed me the file that have 'nuclear threat' as a title

"The Capitalists are trying to get rid of us to invade our colorful lands. They've schemed a plan to blow the major cities of Russia up. They betrayed the Allies in the middle of the war, they're now our enemy! Broadcast this so everyone know and get the hell out of the danger zones. December 4th, Moscow."

Wait... This is from Moscow?! And this letter is a week before we get in here! "Dima. This is crazy, they're backstabbing us! Everyone of them are fucking traitors! They want to take our lands. Damn!" I shouted "This is something else, look here. Russia got invaded both from the West and East, the West are Germans and the East are... Americans. They really trying to kill us. Well we should go to Moscow ASAP!"

Our new goal is Moscow, but before we left we want to check the armory and take the tank shells and load it to our, we walked down stair and heard the wolf is bashing into the door trying to break out, we come to a sealed room seem to be the armory. I opened the heavy door and a strong smell just splash into my nose "What the hell! Aghh! What is that smell?! It's like you take a shit for weeks in there!" Dima said

Surprisingly for us, that smell turned out to be the smell of rotten human flesh, dried bloods are everywhere in this room. A bunch of corpses are inside, brutally murdered. This made Dima puke "They died days ago... Who did this?!" He said, I looked at the corpses and saw an American uniform inside, his skull have a bullet entered from the chin and out to the skull, he had a M1911 right next to him "Suicide. One bullet... American.... What is going on..." I'm both shocked and confused "Dima, well we have one more thing to do. Bury them."

Two hours later

We finished burying everyone. Including that American, what does an American here for? Then suddenly, we heard some strange noises. It took both of us a minute to realize it's the sound of planes "Fighters! Run!" He dragged me into the building that is next to us. The bullets landed right near us, I heard the planes are swooping around for another shot "We need to get out of here ASAP!"

We uses the darkness as our advantage to sneak out of the building. The planes swooped above us once more and dropped a bomb right in the headquarter. Dima signaled me to stay quiet and the planes flew away after flying around a few times. We escaped death

Chapter Ended

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