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Three months later

It's been two months since the nuclear strikes. We tried to reach Moscow but we can't, they stopped us. Dozens of nuclear missile were strike at the Soviet Union turning everything into a wasteland. Most of us didn't survive the nuclear blast or the radiation zone. We're lucky to stay out of the blast zone, but didn't escape the radiation. It's now everywhere, now Dima and I were tasked to transport the gas mask filters from the nearby base that also survived to our

"It's turn out worse that I thought it would be. Instead of us getting to Moscow, we're sitting here driving these cargo trucks." I said with a piss off attitude

"But thanks to that we survive. You don't want to know how close Moscow is to the blast radius, scouts were sent there. Moscow is still intact but it surrounding is dead, radiation is deadly high in Moscow."

"Lucky that they got a bad aim with the missiles. Wait... Is that?" I said looking out at the columns of smoke right in front of us, I step out of the truck and the base that we're going to is on fire

"Not this again. Are they holding anarchists?" He jokes around

"The base has been burnt down. Check your filters, we're going in."

We drive into the burnt base, I can feel the ashes flying toward my skin while driving into the base. I was stopped dead in the track by gunshots "Faster! Damn it." Dima rushes me

"Where are these bastards coming from?" I can hear the sound of bullets flying right by us, barely missing our heads. Dima pull out the Kalashnikov waiting to return fire

"Shoot them down! Shoot them down!" The American is yelling order to their soldiers through the gas mask

We turned into a corner and get out of the truck, using it as cover for combat "Dima get to the building right there! I'll stall them here." He nodded and ran into a small two story building. Then I heard bullets hit the side of the truck, I duck down and peek around. They brought a squad here to raid the base, more might be coming

I pulled out the Mosin Nagant and wait for them to come. The first one walk right near my truck, holding a sub-machine gun. I charge right at him, stabbing him with the bayonet then a loud "bang" goes off following with the sound of the sub-machine gun. I used the soldier body as meat shield then pulled out the Makarov. Dima managed to shot one of them down with the Kalashnikov. I come right close to them and fire two bullets at point blank to the sub machine-gun soldier

"Fall back! Fall back!" They yelled out panicky, trying to get out. But I pulled the trigger, the bullets ripping through the air and hit their torso and leg. One of them shoot back and hit my shoulder, I took cover in a concrete wall also knowing it won't hold for long. I tried my best to hold the wound and reload the Makarov, then peeking them. Dima was providing me suppressive support while I was retreating

"Fucking Americans!" I yelled out and ran outside of the wall, catching them off guard. One got shot in the face and two other were firing at me while I was switching covers. Knowing that I'm in the range of their frag grenade, I threw mine out first and a loud defending "Boom" goes off then they are all dead. I walk outside of my cover, looking at the aftermath. One American soldier was still alive, trying to crawl to the rifle lying next to his comrade. I should have no mercy for these Son of Bitches

Dima caught up to me and he finished the soldier off with the last 7.62mm in his mag "You okay?"

"Yeah, just got hit in the shoulder. That's all." I replied, trying to stop the bleeding on the shoulder

"I'll patch you up. But how the hell are they raiding our base with only a squad."

"Their reinforcements must be near. We need to move ASAP!" I commanded

He nodded and finish treating my wound, he pack up some of our stuff and we get out of the area. We were right, the second we got out of there another squad swarm in. Late responds, typical

Chapter Ended

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