March of Faith

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The next day

I woke up because of the roaring plane engine. I quickly darted outside of the camp to see the AC-130H that we stole for Viktoriya is operational. The pour down bullets and high calibers rounds into the forest

I ran back inside "Dima wake up! We have to move right now!" I shouted "Huh? What's going on?" He replied, confused. "The AC-130H! It's pouring bullets down to the forest. We have to get out of here before it kill us." I panicky pick up all our stuff and dragged Dima outside of the camp. The high caliber rounds are plunging into the forest, locking closer and closer on our position

"Where should we go?" He asked "I know a place. Just follow me." I replied and continue dragging him, after awhile I arrived at Natasha's camp, the campfire is put out. Nearly nothing is there anymore, i knocked on the door and it clicks. Natasha opened it, she was in her full military gear none like last night "You boys are late, come inside. The plane would spot this hut any moment." She rushes inside. We followed her, she pushes a shelf and reveal a secret door that I haven't seen before

"My truck is outside, mounted with a PKM. Shoot down the plane if necessary." She said as she open her truck door and started the engine. Dima ride shotgun and I climbed on the back, manning the gun. The car drove off into the wasteland, I can see the AC-130H from afar still flying around the forest. Hope it didn't notice us getting out of here

"We're heading for Moscow. But first I'm making a stop at the radio station nearby." She shouted though the mask and the car. Then the plane flys toward us, like it just notice us. Lucky for us, the AC-130H only have broadside weapon and its flying head up to us. I waited for the plane to come and then hold the trigger down. I almost fell because the heavy recoil that the gun gave me. The AC-130H was hit but still operational, it started to try and get it broadside to us

"Fuck you Viktoriya!" I screamed on top of my lung as I emptied the whole big magazine. It hits the plane rotors making the plane unstable and smokes starting to come out of it. They retreated

"I think they're going back to their base... Yes we did it!" I yelled out on top of my lungs. This is the very first time I engaged a plane and fire a machine gun. I've never did it since Berlin.... Berlin... It's been years...

Few years ago, Berlin

"They're pushing again, isn't they." I said "Heh, just hold this position. Fascist dogs don't know what will come for them." The sniper said, tossing the cigarette aside and put the dust mask on "Let's see how many metal crosses went down today. Let's get higher, I want a full view of this town." He said climbing up the church tower, I followed him up

"Ah a convoy. Great, give me the binoculars." He said, I gave him mine "Jackpot. Infantries and transports, look like we're going to get promoted." I squeezed my eyes just to see a convoy with people walking around it, he also pressed on the word 'We', he loaded everything inside the his gun. He wait... And BOOM, and the ting sound as a bullet casing dropped on the ground, a German dropped then another one then another one... I looked at the scene horrified as he's killing them one by one, they scattered around. But then I pulled out my scope to look through... He's shooting at a civilian transport that's transporting wounded

"Hey stop! What're you doing? You're shooting a civilian transports. You can get martial law for this!" I shouted at him, but he didn't care. He just kept shooting and loading the clip every time he empty the gun. I dragged him up to my view point and punched him in the face. He didn't say a word, didn't resist at all with blood ooze out of his mouth. Then I pulled my knife out and plunged it into the chest. Bloods ooze out, he uses all of his last strength pulling off the dust mask "I. Am. You..." He grabbed my hand with his other hand before he let go... Dead

"What?... No... It's... It's impossible! I... I just killed myself...." I can't believe I just kill myself again, I looked at the corpse. Horrified every time I look at his face. It was me

"Alexander. Wake up you fuck head!" Dima grabbed me and slaps me waking me up "Wh-What?" I'm confused, as I woke up on the back of the truck, in front of me was ruins "You spaced out a little back then. When we go check you, you collapsed and I saw blood oozing out of your mouth, I told Natasha to drive here. Tell me. What happened?" He sat down to my level and asked me. Should I tell him?

Chapter ended

To Moscow!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ