C;27 - The Past

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Words really couldn't be described to explain how the two young men were feeling, walking side by side with not an awkward air gap between them. They felt their hands brush from time to time but they did nothing about it. Instead they gripped onto their prides and tried not to wear their hearts on their sleeves like they both are so guilty of doing. The problem really is that, Harry didn't know if his family was even at the same address from all those years ago. He left at the age of fourteen. He's twenty three now. Nine years later, would they have moved? Probably.

"I don't think I can even do this... Let's go back!" Harry gasped as he and Nathan arrived at the same red door he used to go to everyday. That red patterned carved wooden door was the same as the day he slammed it hard, pretty sure it broke off it's hinges; the day he ran away and promised himself that he wouldn't ever come back. Like everyone knows, some promises are made to be broken. As much as lots of people hate to admit, you can try and hate certain people but that won't stop them from being family. They're your family and you will love them no matter what, deep down. Harry knows.

"No, we've come so far. We can't go back now Harry. It's time you faced them." Did I mention that Niall and Luke were following closely for back up just in case Harry did chicken out the last minute which was predicted by Niall; meaning Nathan owed him five bucks for that bet winning? Luke was also here to meet his grandmother and auntie. Such an exciting moment for everyone really. Nathan really didn't understand why he was there though. He wasn't family.

"I. I, I know I just. I don't think-" but Nathan had already rang the door bell and had pushed Harry so he stumbled onto the doorstep whilst a fake tanned red haired girl answers it. She was a stranger to Harry completely.

"Um, hello. I'm Harry. Um, do you know where Anne Styles or Gemma Styles is? I-"

"-ya better get off ma lawn or I'mma beat you like a pinyata!" she started waving her arms frantically at the four males and then instantly did as he said, running off the property and down the road especially after seeing the physco and her boyfriend with the amount of muscle that could knock someone out with a punch... from his pinky finger.

"Well that didn't go well." Niall commented, placing Luke on the floor so he could catch his breathe back. Luke didn't go to his father, instead he went to Nathan who he had become extremely close to in just a little amount of time. Nathan lifts the toddler up into his arms.

"Uncle Nath, will you be staying with us forever?" Luke asked the musically talented superstar who awkwardly glanced at Harry and Niall before answering.

"I'm really not sure, Luke. I. I'm quite busy and I don't want to be too much trouble on anyone. You all have been so nice to me as it is-"

"-I've lost you twice. I'm not doing that third time unlucky thing okay? You're staying. I don't care what you even say to that. You aren't leaving me for another time. I'll literally go mental if you do. I need you in my life." Harry suddenly burst out and everyone fell into a deep silence. Even Luke didn't question it. He was just repeating the words Harry said to Nathan in his head, so he could try hard to understand it. He was still confused but he knew something was 'different' about Nathan and Harry. They don't act like friends should.

Suddenly there was the sound of a high pitched squeal coming from across the road and out of nowhere Harry is tackled to the ground by one young woman with original brunette coloured hair that was curled blonde highlights, who looked quite tall despite her being a woman. She was almost Nathan's height as well? She seemed older then Harry as well. She seemed older then everyone. Around the age...

"HARRY EDWARD STYLES. IS THAT REALLY YOU, OH MY FREAKING GOD HI!" the crazy chic squealed in excitement for a reason that was unknown to everyone other then her. Nathan couldn't help but think back to that blonde Harry was with at a club one night... that broke his heart seeing how low he was. Was she another one of his old flings?

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