C;19 - Sykes.

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(gosh im so sorry I haven't updated! I've already written so much for this book, please make sure to comment and vote ily xo)

"Mr Sykes!" Nathan groaned lightly before turning around to his assistant, Ariana who was clutching her purse looking up at him as she was quite a short lass. she sure as beautiful-but Nathan doesn't go for girls. Unlike the bisexual Harry, he solemnly focuses on guys.

"Hi sir! Are you taking a taxi home?" Ariana questions the now taller and more toned confident talented guy who narrows his eyebrows at her.

"No, I never do Miss Grande. Why do you ask?" over the years Nathan has changed his ways, his attitudes and looks. A complete makeover. His old gang of friends would probably not even recognise him! He hadn't talked to any of them in the five years they've been apart. The last time actually, he talked to Siva was to accept his invite to his wedding which was coming up next month. It was no surprise Siva was going to settle down quickly-he was a loving, caring man. Unlike how Nathan is now. He is colder, more confident then ever before.

"Oh, I just was wondering..." her voice trailed off and it was clear what she was thinking but Nathan didn't want that 'business' tonight. He doesn't sleep around-especially not with girls. After Harry, he didn't go for any other guy. Harry was his true love-if only he had known that and not listened to his stupid head saying to walk away. If only he had listened to his heart. He hadn't heard from Harry in five years and there wasn't a day when his heart hadn't yearned for him and only him. Nathan simply ignored the heartache because he had a career to think about. No time for love.

"Well-if that's all, I'll be going. Good night, Miss Grande." Nathan climbed into the waiting Bentley. Leaving Ariana staring after the posh car/

Ariana needs to get over Nathan Sykes but she needs to realise he'll never go for her-ever. Her 'kind' doesn't attract him, never has and never will.

"Welcome back, sir." the gates opened for the Bentley drive into the mansion's front garden. There was a robotic voice that greeted Nathan like always. Nathan named it 'Bob' just for no apparent reason. He has the computer speaking in every room of his house. It's very clever because it gives him advice for many topics too-as he's often alone in such a big house.

After having his shower, Nathan climbed into his PJ's so he could just lounge around his house and write music-like he usually does everyday. His job isn't stressful as people make it out to be, mainly because he enjoys it so much. It's always been his dream job.

Nathan alone as ever slouched down on his comfy recliner armchair and flicked on his television-not actually watching the channels-he turned to the internet where he searched for Harry, hoping that today he would find how that curly tall lonely young man was doing. Nothing came up in the search. No Facebook, Twitter, Website-nothing! This guy was living under a rock and not in the twenty-first's century; it's driving Nathan crazy!

He just needs to find him to make his life complete... he just hasn't figured how to yet!




The next morning, Bob woke him up with a piercing alarm as Nathan was traveling from New York to London. Yes he had moved five years ago but America didn't feel at home as London did-and it was good to go back and release his new album 'What The Heart Wants' mainly the songs on their was written about Harry-luckily no-one knows that. People are quite horrible in this world about homosexuals. Life can be tough.

"See you soon, sir." Bob says as the BMW arrives at the door that next morning. Nathan smiles but doesn't man it-it was like a fake smile if anything. He's been doing that a lot.

When arriving at the airport he was greeted by a few fans who he gladly took pictures with and signed autographs before boarding the waiting private jet to his beloved London packed with memories.

Of Harry.




"Home... not sweet home..." Nathan sighed, looking out the window of the Mercedes, he was in as he passed the boarding school which was a huge part of his past. It was then as he passed that he remembered it wasn't such a bad place-it was where he fell in love with Harry. Oh Harry-how much Nathan loves you, but is trying to forget you.

"There is a call for you, Mr Sykes." the driver announces, glancing at Nathan through his rear-view mirror. Nathan snaps out his daydream of his past and realises his mobile is ringing in the seat beside him. It was a wonder he hadn't heard it-it was so loud!

"Sykes speaking." I sigh into the speaker of my iPhone, loosening my tie from around my neck as I was waiting for a reply.

"Nath! Hey-it's Niall! Niall Horan from the boarding school? Do you remember me? We were friends... Siva gave me your number!" the familiar thick accent was heard and Nathan let out a little gasp at the voice he thought he'd never hear again.

"Of course I remember you! How are you mate?"

"Oh good! I was worried you'd forget. I'm good-not as good as you I bet! I heart you're famous now. Nice one! Who would've expected that, eh!?" Niall let out his contagious laugh and Nathan couldn't help but laugh along with him. But it was over too quickly as the driver announced Nathan was at the destination of his album release.

"Oh-speaking of being famous, I've gotta go, Ni. Sorry." before he could wait for a good bye he hung up and let out a frustrated sigh. Finally a friend of his... and a friend of Harry's but once again his corner calls and that's the impact thing to his life.




"Thank you all for coming! I hope you enjoy the music!" Nathan waved to crowd of fans who had been walking for hours for him to show up and do his meet and greet. Three long tiring hours later, he was done. Everyone was happy. So he would be too.

"Where can I take you now, sir?" the driver who's name Nathan always forgets, asked him from the waiting Jaguar car. Yes, he was rich enough to have so many new cars everywhere he goes to!

"I'm craving tea. Take me to the nearest café, please." Nathan instructs the driver and he does as he's told because Nathan's position in society is higher then the driver's will ever be.

Five minutes later, Nathan has his tea. Walking to the exit of the small café, with his full attention on his mobile-he didn't notice the person he was walking into until it was too late.

"Oh crap!" Nathan curse, shaking his hand that was drenched with the hot liquid. It didn't land on his suit however, unlike the victims' clothes... were drenched

"Dude you need to watch where you're going!" Nathan grumbled looking up into the stranger's emerald green eyes and he almost collapsed to the ground with pure shock.


(ayeeeeeeeee, COMMENT AND VOTE FOR AN UPDATE AND I SHALL MEET YOUR DEMANDS. 17th May is when The WANTED officially split up, and god. What will I do with my life without them in it? :( ILY<3-Tanisha xo)

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