Chapter Four

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Weeks past since the event with Prince happened. Both Kla and Ice acted like nothing happened and carried on with their lives. Bun kept coming over to see Ice. He would sit in a chair in the hall looking into the kitchen as Ice cooked. Beer would still come by and hit on Kla teasing him and such every chance he got. Ice never really gave any mind to Bun. Kla got use to Beer teasing him. The four of them had seemed to grow close as friends.

''Kla how was school today'' Beer asked as Kla was whipping down one of the tables.

Kla stopped and tossed the rag between his hands ''It was good'' he said ''I glade we have the next few days off though, me and Bun are going out to take a few photos. He wants to have a few new ones for his Instagram.'' Kla laughed a bit.

''My arm gets tired sometimes when I take my own'' Bun said as he walked over to Kla and hugged. ''Kla takes some really good photos, so I asked him to take a few of me.'' Bun gave Kla an air kiss and smiled.

''I didn't know you took photos'' Beer said shocked.

Kla nodded ''It's just a hobby of mine. I thought about going to school for it but I wanted to write more so I just keep it as something to do.''

Ice walked out of the kitchen ''Have either one of you deiced where to go to take the photos'' he asked.

''I was thinking of maybe a forest or the mountains. We were going to stay the night there as well just to get away from things for a bit'' Bun said. He sat on one of the tables.

''I know a good camping spot'' Ice said then turned to Beer ''It's the one we went to that one time in school.''

''Oh yeah, I know the one you are talking about'' Beer said.

Kla and Bun looked at each other then at them ''Wait, the two of you knew each other from before'' Kla asked

Beer laughed and pointed ''You never told them'' he said.

''No'' Ice said crossing his arms then sighed ''We were in the same high school and the same class together. We also played soccer together as well. Once we left high school we happened to go to different colleges. It wasn't till I moved here that I happened to meet him again.''

''Speaking of, how did the two of you meet'' Beer asked.

Kla looked at Bun ''We been friends since middle school.''

''Yeah, we just happened to stick together since then'' Bun said nodding ''Even when I came out Kla was the only one that stayed next to me.'' Bun started to laugh and looked at Kla ''Remember when everyone thought we were dating?''

Kla started to laugh as well ''We were always together and even hung on each other so of course they would think that'' he said.

''But it was really funny when one girl asked you and you just flat out said yes and kissed my cheek'' Bun teased him about it.

Ice smiled a bit at the way the two boys talked about the old times. He looked at Kla smiling and laughing. Ice turned away and went back to the kitchen ''I'll close up for a few days. Me and Beer will go with the two of you'' He said.

Beer watched Ice then got up and followed him ''You have feelings for Kla don't you'' he asked leaning against the door frame.

''What are you even talking about, Beer'' Ice said turning to look at him.

''I saw the way you looked at him'' Beer said moving to him. ''You can try and hide it from them but not me.''

''Stop being stupid'' Ice said annoyed ''I don't have feelings for Kla.''

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