Chapter Eleven

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When the taxi finally reached the stop Kla paid the guy then got out. He stood looking at the ocean from the other side of the street. He looked both ways then crossed. As he walked towards the water he throw off his shoes and shirt. He stopped just at the edge of the water and looked out watching the waves and feeling them crash against his feet. Kla slowly walked into the water till it was up to his waist. He tilted his head up and closed his eyes taking in the sound and the smell of the salt water around him. Kla dove into the water.

Ice hopped that his guess as to where Kla had went was right. He rests his left elbow on the car door laying his fist against his head. Ice sighed as he drove. He wonder why Kla would just run off like that instead of staying and talking it out with everyone. If he had heard what was said then just how much did he hear? Was the fact his dad was once part of the same group as he was? The more he thought about it the more it made him worry about Kla and what he was thinking. Finally, Ice could see his restaurant just a head.

Ice pulled in the spot just behind the building and got out. He ran up to the doors checking them, but from what he could see Kla had not showed up there. Ice looked out onto the beach. He spotted what seems to be shoes. Ice runs over and looks at them then spots a shirt that Kla had been wearing.  He turned and looked at the water. Throwing his shirt and shoes off he starts to move in.

''You're not thinking about going out there are you'' a voice said behind him.

Ice turned to see Kla soaking wet. Mad Ice walked over to him and slapped him hard. Kla stood there and took it then looked at him. Ice wake past him and grabbed his shirt and shoes. Kla didn't move as he kept looking out at the water. Ice stopped and looked back seeing that Kla had not followed him. Ice sighed and walked back to his car leaning against it. He reached in and grabbed his cell phone.

''Dong, I found him. You and the boss can call everyone off'' he said as he kept his eyes on Kla. ''Yeah, I'll let you know when we head back.'' He hung up and put the phone back in the car.

When he turned around he saw Kla running into the water again. Ice ran out to where he jumped in, but could not see him. ''KLA!'' he called out to him.

He stood there yelling out for Kla none stop.  Finally, Kla popped up right in front of Ice. When Kla saw him he took a step back then moved to walk around him. Ice grabbed him by both arms looking at him fully upset.

''What the hell is going on with you'' Ice said.

Kla pushed him away and smacked him as well. Ice stood there and looked at him shocked ''Doesn't feel good does it'' Kla said.

Ice looked at the red mark on Kla's face ''You're right, I shouldn't have done that'' he said reaching up touching his redden cheek softly. He took a few steps closer to him ''But you also should not have ran off like that. Your mother and Bunny were worried.''

''And you'' Kla asked ''Were you not worried?''

''Of course I was'' Ice said pulling him close hugging him tightly ''How could I not have been worried.''

''Are you not worried about me being in harms way if I stay with you'' Kla asked just standing there.

Ice stepped back and looked at him ''Kla, this is not the place to talk'' he said. 

The sky started to get dark with rain and thunder clouds ''Answer the question'' Kla said.

''I will, but can we please move inside to talk'' Ice asked trying to pull him out of the water.

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