[103] Just Stress

Start from the beginning

You nodded, breathing out as you dried your hands and mouth. "I'm okay, I'm okay."

"You know we can cut this short and you can go home, right? It doesn't matter what they say." She eyed you carefully as she spoke.

You shook your head, "No, let's just finish this. It's okay, just an upset stomach."


"Em," You interrupted her with a slight chuckle, "I'm okay. Trust me."

She nodded unsurely, watching you slowly begin to walk outside, seeing how your body moved tiredly as if it was the last thing it wanted to do.

"Your Highness," Andrew, your personal guard, instantly was by your side, "Do we take you home? Ben is right outside a-"

"Relax, Andy," You smiled at him, "I'm okay."

"But Your Highness, please don't take this the wrong way but you look pale." Sid, your other personal guard, added, looking at you sympathetically.

"I'll be okay." You weren't sure if you were assuring them or yourself because as soon as you took a step forward, you felt your body almost warning you - or baby at that point.

It wasn't until you were about to sit when you felt like the floor was moving, your body growing hot and your vision suddenly fading to black, your body falling to the ground.

"Has she complained about feeling sick? At all?" Harry asked as he sat beside you at home, his hand gently stroking your hair as you slept.

"No, she hasn't. Even in the morning, she looked fine." Emilie replied.

"She must've not had proper breakfast." Kate said as she stood beside Will by the door.

"The doctor said it was normal because she's p-"

"Stressed, yes," Kate cut Emilie off instantly, "It's normal to happen when you're stressed. She's been stressing herself out with work lately." Discreetly, Kate eyed Emilie and shook her head, watching her widen her eyes in realisation before she tried to stifle her smile.

"God, I told her not to do that." Harry said under his breath before sighing.

"Stubborn Y/N." Will said with a low chuckle, shaking his head.

Suddenly feeling the presence in the room and the gentle move against your head, you opened your eyes gradually. "What happened? What day is it?" You croaked out, looking beside you to find a smiling Harry, "Harry."

"Right here, baby," He replied softly, leaning down to peck your forehead, "I'm right here." He repeated, "You fainted at your conference. It's still the same day."

"When did you get here?" You asked, looking up at him.

"Just an hour ago." Harry spoke gently, as if he was talking to a child as to not disturb you.

"Welcome back to Earth, Tiny." Your head turned at your oldest brother's voice, "Should really stop stressing yourself out like that."

Kate hummed, "Yes, Y/N. Stress. Stress is never good."

You almost rolled your eyes at the discreet smile Kate gave you but you didn't, choosing to smile instead. "Right. No more stress."

"Well, we better head out now. Left the kids alone until we check up on you." Will said, "Also, Har has been bugging me to check up on you."

Your face twisted, "How did he know?"

"You suddenly felt dizzy in the middle of the conference, with 50 reportes, live then fainted, Tiny." Will chuckled.

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