Valentines day special (Kleinsen)

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Wednesday, the thirteenth of February. The day before Valentine's Day. Evan sighed. He really wanted a girlfriend, or a boyfriend. He just wanted anybody he could spend the holiday with. Nope. Not gonna happen.

Evan hiked his backpack up higher on his hipbones, trailing through the hallways, his head down.

He was having a perfectly good time moping to himself when he felt someone ram their entire body weight onto his left side. He huffed our all the air in his lungs. Both out of annoyance and the fact that his left lung was basically just crushed.

He looked up. Jared.

"Ugh. Stop doing that. You know I'm delicate." Evan complained.

"Whatever, loverboy. Anyways, what's up with that face? You look like your dog left the room and won't come back."

"It-its whatever, I guess." Evan shrugged.

"Hey, C'mon. You can tell me." He gestured around the hallway. "It's not like I have any friends lined up to go whispering about it to."

"Valentines day is tomorrow." Evan admitted.


"But just, like, I'm single. I just want someone to ask me out tomorrow. It could be anyone for all I care." Evan complained, throwing his arms up in the air in defeat.

"Trust me, that's not true." Jared hissed, his face souring and his voice filling with disappointment.

"Yeah, Yeah. I get it. You don't want to hear my crap."

"No! I do, really. It's just that I know someone that might, maybe, possibly ask you out at some point and I know you'd tell them no."

"Well are they going to ask me out tomorrow?" Evan questioned. Jared fidgeted for a minute, an indecisive look brushing over his face.

"Yes. Um- Yes they will." Jared decided.

"Well then, I guess I better dress up real nice." Evan said.

"Yeah." Jared mumbled. "I guess you better."


Jared slicked his hair back, examining himself in the mirror. He sucked in a breath, pulling his nicest shirt on over the rest of his outfit.

He walked back to his room and sat down on the bed, glancing at his alarm clock.



He pulled on the shoes his mom bought him for church, the ones he never wore because church 'wasn't really his thing'.

He threw his bag over his shoulder and made his way outside, locking the door behind him.

He threw his crap in the back of his Jeep and headed to the Walgreens that was closest to the school.

Chocolates? Balloons? A card?

Jared had only ever bought valentines gifts for his mom before, he had no idea what to do. He turned his head, his eyes searching the store for the best gift.

Flowers. Seems legit. Evan likes trees, flowers couldn't be that bad of a choice, Jared reasoned.

He bounced on his heels in the line, hoping it was good enough for Evan.


When Jared walked into the school he saw Connor talking to Evan.

Ugh. Connor better not be thinking he could have Jared's man.

"Hey guys!" Jared said, glaring at Connor before turning his head to smile at Evan.

"Well, I guess I'll go. See ya Ev'" Connor backed off.

"Who are those for?" Evan asked, pointing to the bouquet of flowers in Jared's hands.

"Oh." Jared blushed. "Um, you, actually."

"Me? Why? You never give me a gift." Evan questioned.

Jared pushed the flowers at him. "Well, do you remember when I said that someone was gonna ask you out today?"

"Yeah, are these from them?"

"Yes, well, they're from me. I'm them. I'm the person that wanted to ask you out today." Jared admitted, fidgeting.

"You don't have to do that. I just wanted someone to like me, you don't need to pity me." Evan frowned.

"No! I'm not pitying you. Please. Do you want to go out with me."

Evan gulped. A date? With Jared? Not really what he was expecting, but he wasn't opposed. "Okay."

"Yes? You will?" Jared confirmed.


Jared pumped his arms in victory. "Tonight. I'll pick you up. You don't need to change, you already look beautiful no matter what you wear."

Evan nodded.


Well it's a little late since Valentine's was yesterday, but I tried.

Thank you for 7K!!!

Also, if anyone wants to be internet friends you can leave a comment Heere and I'll give you my email.

Have a great day, loves💋💋

Dear Evan Hansen One- shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora