Boyfriends? (Kleinphy/conman)

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T/W: mentions of sexual things, homophobia, homophobic slurs, a lot of cussing

"Jared..." Connor started, pulling away from the kiss.

"Yeah?" Jared asked.

"Remember... we aren't dating, so don't talk to me at school, you need to leave me alone in front of people." Connor reminded him.

"I know..." Jared sighed, holding back the tears. He knew it would end like this every time he and Connor hooked up, but he was still disappointed each time. He knew that was stupid, in fact, it was the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. He just thought that, maybe, Connor was warming up to him. Jared had liked Connor for a while now, that was the reason he had agreed to start hooking up with him in the first place. He thought it could turn into something more, but, apparently, it was just sex and kissing in private.


"Hey, faggot." A boy said, trying to stop Jared in the hallway. Jared ignored him.

"He was talking to you, ya know." One of the boys friends teased. Jared tried walking faster. The tallest boy shoved him against a locker, causing him to drop all his books.

"Hey, when we start talking to you we want an answer, huh you little man-whore? Got it?" Jared cringed at the words, averting his eyes from all the douchebags surrounding him. One of the taller kids grabbed Jared's chin and forced him to look up. In the corner of his eye, Jared saw Connor walking past. He glanced at the tall boy dressed in all black, causing some of the bullies to turn around.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the faggot's gay ass boyfriend." All but Connor and Jared laughed. Connor glared.

"Leave him alone, asshole." Connor retorted, rolling his eyes at the stupidity surrounding him.

"Aww, look, faggot number two is trying to defend his boyfriend..." One of the teens cooed.

"Aww, look, idiot number one can't come up with any other insults."

"Oh. So you're not denying it?"

"Why would I deny it?" Connor deadassed. "You just accused me of dating the cutest boy in the entire school. If anything, I'm gonna support that statement. Of course he's my boyfriend!"

"Wait, for real?" The boy asked, shocked. Connor just nodded.

"Damn," another boy complained. "You two aren't any fun. Let's just go, guys." The boys let go of Jared and walked away, looking slightly dejected that their routine hadn't worked. Connor reached out his hand and helped Jared up.

"Oh, um... thanks, Connor." Jared almost-whispered, shyly.

"No problem, bae.." Connor cooed.

"Excuse me?" Jared choked.

"You heard me, cutie."

"What the hell, Connor?" Jared exploded.


"Are you serious? You're the only reason we aren't actually dating!" Jared ranted

"The hell?" Connor asked, clearly shocked.

"Yeah. I mean, it's obvious that I have a crush on you. It's just that you keep saying not to act like I know you at school."

"Yeah, well, that was before I knew everyone thought we were dating. I thought that you'd be less popular if you were dating the schools 'school-shooting freak'. And then I saw that you weren't quite as popular as you made it seem..." Connor explained.

"Wow.." was all that Jared could force out.

"So, what do ya say?" Connor asked. "... boyfriends?" Jared immediately kissed him.

"Of course, you freak."

A/N so I just got back from my Europe trip! I have so many stories. I thought I would do a little Kleinphy update for you guys because y'all seem to love that ship so much!


Have a great day, loves!💋💋

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