Then I am (Sincerely Three)

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"Hey, Jared?" Evan asked, sitting down on the couch next to his best, and only, friend.

"What?" Jared almost hissed. Evan didn't even react, Jared always treated him like this.

"So I was wondering if you think Zoe likes me."

"Zoe? Why Zoe?" Jared scoffed. Evan grasped his fingers together, anxiously cracking his knuckles.

"I don't know..." Evan drawled, drunk on anxiety.

"Well, I mean, I think, maybe, someone else likes you." Jared answered.

"Well- um, what?" Evan asked, taken aback.

"I don't know, I'm just saying that you're pretty cool and attractive and you have dreamy eyes and stuff, like, no homo, but at least one person at our school has to have a crush on you." Jared ranted. Evan almost choked, he was laughing so hard.

[A/N- sorry to interrupt the story but I'm writing it so I do what the fuck I want. So I'm writing this while in the car on a road trip and I just saw a billboard that said "after you die you WILL meet God" like bro are you sure about that cause I'm pretty sure I'm getting fast tracked to Hell]

"How would you know that?"

"Somebody told me." Jared shrugged, nonchalant.

"Who? Was it Zoe?!" Evan started hyperventilating.

"No! Ugh! Screw Zoe. Wait, not like that. Screw the guy who likes you."

"Guy?" Evan asked.

"Oh, yeah. It's a guy. Why? That bother you?"

"No-no! It doesn't bother me, I think? I don't know, I've never dated a guy."

"Yeah, well you've never dated a girl either, so how's that for ya?" Jaded sassed.

"I guess you're right, who's the guy?"

"Why don't you tell me who you think the guy is and I tell you if you're right or not."

"So are we doing his like twenty questions or..?"

"Twenty questions works."

"Umm, Okay. Do I know him?"

"Yes." Jared answered, cursing himself as soon as he said it. Evan was obviously going to figure him out.

"Oh. Ummmmm Connor?"

"No! Not Connor. Well, actually, now that I think about it, maybe -but that's not who I'm talking about."

"Well, I don't know that many people. Michael?"

"Who's Michael?"

"You don't remember him? My step-brother's best friend."

"Well if I don't know him it obviously isn't him because I know this guy too."

"Jare, that's literally the extent of every guy that I know." Evan complained.

"Well, I know for a fact that it's not."

"Describe him to me."

"Well he really likes you, he's a guy.." Jared started.

"Really, Jared? Come on. What does he look like?"

"He's kinda short, umm, he wears glasses, he has a long d-"


"God, Evan, I was gonna say dentist appointment! He's getting his braces off tomorrow so it will be a really long appointment. Dirty mind, much?" Jared teased.

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