The Metropolis Accords

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This story is very much based on the idea of marvel's civil war and there will be some similarities but it will also be very different, just the idea was taken from the movie/comic. I also forgot to mention that in this story Kara and national city are in the same universe as Barry and the others.

"Kara! Kara! Wake up!"

As Kara opened her eyes she saw an outline of a figure leaning over her.

"Yeah! Barry, Wally, we found her"

"Alright great where are you ill come and bring you two to Star labs," Barry asked over the coms

"Where the daily planet used to be. You should be able to see the dome on the ground right by us." Winn said in return.

Barry sped over to the destroyed metropolis and picked up Kara and Winn before running back to Star laboratories.

"Caitlin I need you to make sure Kara is okay, she had a building fall on her."

"On it Barry"

3 Days later

Barry walked into the cortex and immediately noticed the secret service members in the corner and the man in a suit talking to Oliver and Kara in the center of the room.

"Ah, Mr. Allen so good for you to finally join us." The man in the suit said as he turned to face Barry. Once he had turned around Barry recognized him as the secretary of defense.

"Please join your friends and sit down at the table Allen."

Barry sat at the table that was filled with his superpowered teammates. Even the legends were here so he knew it had to be important.

"Now that you're all here I can start. You superhumans have long gone without any consequences when an innocent human bystander dies. That cannot be allowed to happen anymore so; after the desolation of Metropolis, the department of defense decided we need something to keep you enhanced individuals in check. So because of this, we have put a new law effective in two days. It is called the Metropolis accords. This will make it so going out and using your abilities will be illegal unless you've been informed by the government that you can. The only time that you're authorized to use these abilities is if the newest council were putting in place along with this law permits you to do so."

"And what if we disregard this new law?" Sara asks

"Youll be sent immediately to Argus or the DEO. No exceptions. On Thursday there will be a signing of the law that makes it official. I trust that you will all be there. Good day."

With that, he and his agents walked out leaving the league in silence. Oliver is the first to comment

"I don't know about all of you but there is no way in hell I'm signing that document. I've done this illegally before and I'll do it again."

"Oliver you can't be serious, this is an obvious choice to just sign it. It's better for all of us."

"Barry are you serious? Signing that would stop us from protecting people unless the government approves us and by the time that happens the incident will likely have escalated and possibly already caused deaths."

"Oliver I'm not going to become a criminal. If the government thinks this is the way to go we have to trust them. You guys agree right?"
In response to Barry's question, he just got a couple of uneasy looks and Felicity pretending not to hear him.

"Well I'm going to sign it with or without your support" with that Barry stormed out of the cortex. After he left the others followed suit and went back to their houses to process the information.

2 Days Later

Kara stood watching the cars drive by on the street below. The wind blowing into her face felt calming as she stood on the roof of CatCo.


"What do you want Barry?"

"I wanted to know if I'd see you at the signing tomorrow. I know it's been hard with Kal El gone but it's important that you show up if you want to continue being Supergirl."

"Barry I don't know. I just want to be alone."

"Okay that's fine but just remember it's completely your choice. I just I hope you pick the right one"

"Goodbye, Barry."

"Bye Kara."

After their goodbyes, Barry rushed to Keystone city to attend the signing. When he arrived he went to talk with Caitlin and Cisco who had also agreed to sign the accords. Hours later once the signing commenced the room had filled and now contained various heroes and important government figures. Then, Lyla got up to the pedestal to make a speech about the accords.

"Thank you all for showing up for this important law signing. From this point forward all superheroism or vigilante activity will be illegal in the united states and I assume that the rest of the world will follow. We have many heroes with us today and they will be signing the accords before the president officializes it. Now, some of these heroes include but aren't limited to; The Flash, Vibe, Killer Frost, The Atom, Firestorm Hawk girl and Supergirl. Any hero activity outside of government permission will cause immediate jail time in Argus or DEO containment. Thank you now for the president to come and sign."

Barry watched as the old man walked up to the pedestal and sign the documents before giving another speech basically rephrasing exactly what Lyla said. While the speeches were occurring Barry couldn't help but think about the people who didn't sign and how he would have to bring them in if they continued being heroes.

It was around 3 AM when Barry got the call alerting him that the 'Green Arrow' was active again and in downtown Keystone city thwarting a robbery. So now he was running full speed across two city's to stop his friend from doing the right thing. As he got there he saw that the location they gave him was a wearhouse behind a fancy restaurant. He walked in and all of the sudden an arrow came flying towards his face. Barry easily caught it and stared directly into Oliver's eyes as he spoke to him.

"Nice try Oliver."

"Just like the first time I trained you, that was a distraction."

As soon as Oliver finished his sentence a ear splitting shriek cane from the corner sending Barry flying into the wall and being knocked unconscious.

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