Playing The Role Of Lackey

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The woman who appeared to have gathered us spoke first.

"Hello, my name is Luce. I am the 8th boss of the Giglio Nero Familia, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, ". She turned to the person next to her, the man in the fedora.

With a slow tilt of his head, he introduced himself.

"Reborn, The worlds greatest hit man," It was stated proudly, and with no small amount of condescension, with a smirk on his face. 

The guy looked so much like a puffed up chicken I couldn't help my snickers, I tried to muffle them, but it appeared that wasn't enough. He had heard me.

"A problem, Lackey?!" It was said in a threatening tone, and by the suppressed smiles around the table, it appeared they took me for a civilian. It was a bit pathetic really, how they were fooled this easily. However I had no intention of correcting their mistake, this was amusing so I would play along. See how far that got me.

"No sir! Of course not!".I let fear lace the words, pitching my voice until it was a shriek. All this was accomplished while smirking under the safety of my helmet.

Satisfied with my apparent fear, Reborn chuckled and turned away. Sadist much?

The others just looked on, content to ignore each other until attention was needed,

"Seeing as I just spoke, I guess I should introduce myself! Skull De Mort, Stuntman extraordinaire  at your service!" And just for good measure to further cement my image as a fool, I added, "Bow down to the mighty Skull-Sama!"

"I think that's enough, Skull," 

The man in the lab coat had spoken up, but the words had been said in a tone one might use taking to a particularly slow child. Clearly, he didn't think much of Skulls intelligence.

Seeing as he now had everyone's attention, he quietly harrumphed, and said haughtily,
"Seeing as this meeting is cutting into my work time, I shall make my introduction short," Clearly he wasn't a humble man.

"My name is Verde, Im sure you've heard people praising me as the Modern Da Vinci,".

After that the cloaked figure offered,


We all waited for an elaboration, but it became clear , whoever they where, they didn't plan on giving details.

Then the attention turned to the man with with the braid. He looked pretty nice. Maybe we could be friends?

Very calmly he said, "The names Fon, I hope to get along with all of you, if possible,"

Yup! I definitely like him, he's my favorite so far, Even if he doesn't  mean it, at least he was offering, which is more than I can say for anyone else.

Last attention was given to the only other woman in the room.

"Names Lal Mirch, and I would like to know, why there is a civilian here?!," This was all said with a rather impressive scowl.

I raised a eyebrow at this, well wasn't she rude!

Just as I was getting ready to fire back a retort, the self appointed leader, Luce? I think she said her name was, started talking.

"The reason all of you have been gathered here today is to form the arcobaleno, the strongest seven, and go on our first mission as a team,".

Surprisingly, everyone stayed silent, I suppose they were all just waiting for this to be over with.

Seeing as everybody looked on board, Luce continued,

"Today we are going to attack the Siesto Famillia, my famillia has been at odds with the Siesto for quite a while. Before they can attack, the seven of us will make the first move. You will all, of course be compensated for your efforts. Now, just sit here and wait until everything is ready."

After that announcement, everyone dispersed to do their own thing, while Reborn approached Skull.

I was curious about his intentions, so I stayed.

"Oi lackey, get me a espresso,".

Skull felt like rolling his eyes, not that Reborn would see but still. As it was, he felt like keeping up the act and nodded, departing to find the kitchen. When he finally found it, he found it to be occupied, by non other than Luce. 

He already didn't like that woman, and didn't want to spend too much time in her company.She may have acted kind but she couldn't have become the don if she never had ulterior motives. And even if she didn't, She still rubbed Skull the wrong way.

Just as he was about to back out and find another place, he was noticed.

"Hey Skull!" She called out cheerfully, "May I talk to you for a second?"

Before he could answer with a excuse, she continued,

"On this mission, please stay in the back,".

"What! why?!". He tried sounding as outraged as possible, and by Luce's wince, it worked.

"It's just that, you are the weakest out of all of us, as far as I can tell, I don't want you to get hurt."

Without giving Skull a chance to respond, she left the kitchen.

I guess I'm a better actor than I thought, isn't that right Nea?

"It seems, they're really believing your inferior, I wonder what would happen if you revealed the truth...., But for now observe. Things are getting interesting".

Out loud, all Skull had to say to that was, "Well then let's get this mission over with!"

"Lackey! Where is my espresso!"

Oh right, Skull better get working on that.

 And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the start of Skulls life as the 'weakest' arcobaleno.
Original Word count:

Edited Word Count: 900

Edited on 12/17/19

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