C U Next Tuesday

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Kirishima woke up to the remains of a dream he couldn't quite remember. His side, which had been warm when he went to sleep, was now cold. Bakugou must have left after he fell asleep to the sounds of that movie. He had been in heaven a few hours ago, but now...
"He didn't even say goodbye." Kirishima muttered, stomach twisting in pain.
There was no last kiss, no farewell, just a passing moment of Kirishima slipping to sleep.
And that was it.
That was his entire interaction with his soul mate.
He was never getting another one.
The redhead stumbled out of his room, rubbing his eyes. Mina was eating breakfast when he walked in. She looked up from her cereal, blinking at him.
"He didn't stay the night?"
Kirishima frowned. "No. He left while I was sleeping."
"Did he at least...you know..."
"No...he didn't."
"Fuck. I TOLD him that I'd make his life a living hell if he messed things up with you."
"You blackmailed him, didn't you?"
"I mean, I HAD to. He wouldn't have accepted otherwise."
"I'm tellin' you, Ei. He's a fucking mess. He didn't want to date his own soul mate. I'm going to head to his school today and rip him a new one right in front of the whole faculty."
"Don't." Kirishima sat down. "It doesn't matter."
"Doesn't matter? Kiri, he's breaking your heart. You pretend he's not but I can see it on your face."
"It doesn't matter, Mina. If he doesn't want to love, than I can't force him."
"This isn't fair. You deserve the world."
"You're exaggerating."
"I'm not. You deserve the world and this asshole is taking that away from you for his own selfish reasons. He's getting what's coming to him."
"Mina, please stay out of it. He knows where we live. Maybe he'll come around eventually. But if you force it, he just won't."
Mina sighed. "If this is what you want, I won't meddle. But the moment you want revenge, I'll be there."
"Thanks." Kirishima got up from the table, heading into the kitchen area to make his morning protein shake.
He was drinking it down when he heard a buzzing from his bedroom. He wandered in, taking his time since he knew it was his phone getting a text.
When he plucked it off his night stand, he took a moment to stare at it in puzzlement.
A message from an unknown number?

"Hey, you left your phone unlocked last night so I got your number from it before I plugged it in."


"Who is this?" Kirishima texted back.

His reply came quickly.

"Who the fuck do you think it is, moron?"

Bakugou. Definitely Bakugou.

"Why are you texting me? I thought you didn't want to see me again?"

Kirishima added a winky face emoji to the end of the text, hoping it gave off the teasing tone he intended.

"We forgot to fuck so I guess we've got to do that."

Kirishima blinked.

"Weird way of asking me on a second date."

"It's not like that. Stop being a moron. I'll pick you up Tuesday at 5. Your place."

"You're not even going to give me time to get changed after work?"

"The clothes are coming off anyway. Why should I give a shit what you wear?"

Man, this boy was a lot to handle.
Why did his soul mate have to be him?

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