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"Get up, loser. You've got a date tonight."
"Huh?" Kirishima poked his head out of his blankets, which he had been sleeping beneath, blinking at the bright lights.
"You've got a date. You need to get ready."
"What are you talking about?"
"I ran into blondie last Wednesday. You're going on a date tonight at five."
"And you didn't tell me sooner?"
Kirishima sat up. "Fuck. I've got to get ready."
"I've already got your clothes set up."
"You're ahead of the game."
"Anything for my bestie's love life."
"So how did you find him, anyway?"
"I was walking by this café and I noticed a motorcycle out front so I peeked inside and BAM there he was; in all his bitch glory."
"And he recognized you from the bar and wanted to meet me?"
"Not exactly. He didn't want anything to do with this whole thing so I had to threaten him into a date."
"He hates me THAT much?"
"No, dude. He's just an asshole and I'm steamed that the universe chose such a bowl of bitch soup to be with somebody as great as you."
"So...he's not a good guy?"
"He didn't seem like it. I'm sorry you got stuck with him."
"It's fine." Kirishima shrugged but inside he was dying. Why had the universe stuck him with somebody who refused to love him back? Had he done something bad in a past life?
"Anyway, your clothes are right here." Mina tossed a clean blazer and a T shirt at him along with a pair of pants. "Get dressed and I'll do you hair."
"I need to shower first, Mina. I'm grungy as hell."
"Then hurry. You've got two hours to get ready."
"I am. I am." Kirishima crawled out of bed, heading to the shower where he washed up and changed into the clothes Mina had left for him.
"Looks just as great as I expected it to."
"So, how did you manage this? I've been looking everywhere for that guy and you just happened to find him in a café?"
"Yeah. And then I yelled at him for not finding you."
"Why didn't he? Do you know?"
"He doesn't do relationships, apparently."
"So it wasn't me? It was him?"
"It was completely him. He's actually a big jerk wad and fates a bitch for putting him with you."
Kirishima sighed. "I'm nervous. I don't know if I can do this."
"Just breathe. Everything will turn out fine."
"You promise."
"I do." Mina started to brush his hair out, tugging it back into a small ponytail. "Oh...and there's something else."
"What is it?"
"He only promised one date."
"What?!" Kirishima's jaw dropped.
"I told you. He's just not into dating. He only promised one date."
"That's not fair! He's supposed to be with me. We're soul mates."
"I TOLD YOU he was a jerk."
"God, now I don't really want to go on this date. He's probably going to half ass everything and do the bare minimum."
"Just go. If you're lucky, and I know you are, you'll be able to convince him to give you a second date."
"I hope you're right."
"Of course I'm right. I'm always right."

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