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The dumb redhead...Kirishima...was already waiting for Bakugou when he arrived outside the café on his motorbike.
He stood up, looking more relieved than he had ever seen a person be.
"I thought you weren't gonna show." He said the moment Bakugou turned off the bike.
"Your friend would get me expelled if I did that."
"You're five minutes late."
"Traffic was bad." It was a lie. Bakugou had taken his time getting out of the house...which meant his appearance was really cleaned up and neat, but there was only so much hair brushing one could do before they had to face the music.
"So...where are we going?" He asked, still standing on the sidewalk like a parent dropping their kid off at the bus for the first time.
"Climb on." Bakugou ordered, half ignoring the question.
"On you bike?"
"No. On my dick." Bakugou rolled his eyes. "Of COURSE on my bike, you moron."
"Don't get testy with me. Do you have an extra helmet?"
"In the compartment behind the seat."
Kirishima nodded, opening the compartment and taking out the shitty white helmet, the one Bakugou had swiped from his mother when he first inherited the bike from her.
"Ever ridden on one of these things?"
"You can either hold onto the bike or onto me. Make sure you lean into turns."
The redhead nodded, swinging his leg over the bike and wrapping his arms tightly around Bakugou. His body was warm and his grip was strong. Bakugou could feel his heart racing against his ribcage.
What was coming over him?
"Ready?" He asked.
"What's your name?"
"Your name. I didn't catch it when you told me the first time."
"Oh. It's Bakugou. Bakugou Katsuki."
"So, I can call you Bakugou, then?"
Kirishima's grip seemed to tighten at that. Bakugou sighed and started the bike up again. He had planned this bike ride specifically so he would have to talk to the redhead. Talking was the thing he liked to do the least and he didn't plan to start now.
Kirishima's arms were tight around his stomach. He must have been nervous of the machine. He didn't understand how could fate think he was meant to be with somebody afraid of motorbikes.
They got to their location sooner than Bakugou had wanted and hopped off.
"This place is fancy." Kirishima said as he took off his helmet, staring up at the restaurant in awe.
"We're not eating there." Bakugou explained. He walked toward the food truck parked across from the restaurant, not even waiting for Kirishima to follow.
He did, however, keeping close to Bakugou.
Their hands brushed, as of Kirishima was trying to catch Bakugou's, so the blond stuck his hands in his pockets. They arrived at the truck and Bakugou ordered them both a soft taco. Kirishima didn't have any complaints about the order, which was fine. At least he wasn't a picky eater.
"So, you knew this truck was going to be here?"
"It's here every Saturday from five to seven." Bakugou said, taking the pair of tacos and handing one to Kirishima.
The redhead took a bite instantly, grinning from ear to ear. "It's good."
"It better be." Bakugou paid for the order and started to walk back to his bike, eating his taco on the way.
"I come here sometimes and eat in front of that fancy restaurant to flex on the pretentious snobs." Bakugou admitted. "Take that you snooty assholes."
Kirishima seemed to think this was pretty damn funny because he laughed loudly.
Bakugou rolled his eyes.
"So, what else do you have planned?"
"It's a surprise." Bakugou shrugged. "We're leaving right after you finish your food."
Kirishima immediately downed the rest of his taco.
What a complete idiot.

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