Chapter 7 Dream Or Memory Relapse

Start from the beginning

"And what makes you think I haven't?" John couldn't help but ask.

"Oh come on" she dismissed him "you do this all the time. Fool the antagonists and then bam! You neutralize the threat taking all the credit" she said icily

"Why are you so cold towards me?" he asked "and you are not suicidal?"

"Suicidal?" she chuckled "me?" hey mister its not only you who can play. Two can play at a time."

"So you were here to.." John thought he now understood why she was here...

"To baby sit you" she said flatly 'I was here often to check whether you'd waken from your comma. And then when the drama you did about not remembering a shit." She nodded her head "you indeed are something."

"Was that a compliment?" John couldn't help but ask which she chose to ignore as she handed the envelope.

"Do you know what happened in Peru?" he asked as he opened the envelope to see another pendrive.

"More clues?" He murmured to himself.

"You mean Peru. My first posting with you?" she said distastefully "where you were an actor?"

"Good you remember." He encouraged her to speak further.

"How wouldn't I? I had been fawning over you since I joined the agency but darn! I was wrong" she said

"What did I do?" John wrinkled his brows.

"There was this lead that there was supposed to be terrorist attack and we all were supposed to be working as a team and all you did was instead of waiting for them to attack, you attacked them before creating havoc n panic in the entire resort where civilians were also staying.

"You don't have to worry about my dad. He might be rich" John was now bending on his knees, his face clear of any wrinkles, his eyes sparkling with health and determination, his hair that were usually wavy now curled up like a joyride to the amount that no comb can side into them.

"It is me who has fallen for a waitress, its me who cannot keep my eyes off you. I cannot think of my life without you on my bed when I wake up in the morning. Marry me Stella. Marry me please"

Flair who was staring at him with star studded eyes blushing profusely just as she was told said "yes" and like a proficient actor just a drop of tear slipped her eye.

"Cut" the director shouted and as if his tail was on fire John took a beeline for the vanity van.

"Where is he gone now?" the gay director who was all this time drooling over John and waiting till he got him alone with him shouted but by this time John was gone.

He lit the cigarette and instead of taking the puff he discarded it in the basin and ran toward the guys dressed in black the ones he'd been chasing since a fortnight.

They matched his description all were young, one with loose shirt and loose pants like a vagabond, the other one had chewing gum in his mouth, one of them sported a religious white cap on his head, fourth one was exceptionally small but his stance said he had more conviction than anyone else n the group.

He followed them. They were staying a floor below his room.

He'd enunciated that they'd take the room besides him since it was compact at the far end corner of the resort, internet connections were good and away from the eyes of the staff.

He had already placed a microphone in the room but to his dismay.

He immediately ran to his room, pulled a microphone from the bag, few wires and the other equipment. He's been doing this for almost three years. He knows it well.

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