Blood King's Day (Chapter Seventeen)

Start from the beginning

Cora went into her room to change out of her sweaty clothes when the book began to glow again. She was so startled she dropped the clothes she was holding. The pages seemed to turn themselves until she reached a page near the end of the book.

Dear Cora, I have faith today is the day you will defeat the King of Shadows. I know you're probably frightened, but you should know the King of Shadows has no power of his own, his power comes from potions and trickery. He has limited combat abilities, remember that. Your enemy underestimates you, but you are stronger than he will ever be. You have found a very powerful ally in the Blood King, you will be excellent companions to each other. I can't express how desperately I wish I could be here today to help you. Thessionia is falling into chaos, Prince Lyon is dead, but there is another heir to the throne and they will become one of the greatest rulers Thessionia has ever seen. I know you will win this war.

Cora didn't know how to process her emotions. Prince Lyon was dead? How could this happen? This must be a mistake! She slammed the book shut.

Laughter filled the crowed streets. Everyone was so excited for the holiday. The sent of warm cider and meat being grilled over an open flame filled her nostrils. The trees were decorated with paper lanterns and bright red ribbons. Several people in the crowd wore brightly colored costumes, some even dressed as the Blood King and let out cartoonishly evil laughs, which almost made her giggle. If only they knew the real Blood King. A wave of sadness crashed over her, she used to love Blood King's Day, but this year she had too much on her mind.

Was Prince Lyon really dead?

She was greeted by her friends who were seated seated around a picnic table. Each of them looked distraught. Cora forced a smile and sat beside Ray. Directly across from them sat Scarlet who was looking especially distressed.

"Are you nervous about tonight?" Cora asked her.

"No...yes, I mean," She stuttered over her words. "I am nervous but that's not the only thing on my mind,"

Cora was afraid of what else could possibly happen.

"Dimitri went out last night he couldn't say where, apparently it's 'top secret' we haven't seen him since. He's probably just at a friends house or something." Scarlet said, her voice full of uncertainty.

Cora looked up at towards the heavens, the dark clouds almost covered the entire sky. A loud crash of thunder sounded in the distance. This was no coincidence.

"Don't worry, I promise I'll find him." Cora reassured her friend.

Val stood up. "Now that everyone's here we can explain our plan. If Cora's book is correct then The King of Shadows will attack tonight. We have to be ready for whatever tricks he might have up his sleeves." She held up a small device in her hand. "Zyler and I created these communication devices so we'll be able to keep in touch. Just place them in your ear and we'll be able to communicate over long distances." She pointed to a red button on the side of the device. "Press this button and it will send out a distress signal I've equipped a tracking device so we'll be able to find you. Remember to only press the button in a real emergency." Val scowled at Zyler.

"Hey! Running out of toilet paper is a really emergency, Val!" Zyler protested.

Val rolled her eyes. "Scarlet brewed an anti potion that should neutralize his powers when injected."

Scarlet pulled a syringe full of white liquid out of her pocket. "It is a very difficult potion to make this was all I had time to brew. We'll only have one shot at this. I'm sorry I couldn't do more."

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