Time Is Running Out (Chapter Sixteen)

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As she went to grab it she felt something cold wrap itself something around her body. It covered her mouth before she could cry for help. She reached for the book but something stabbed into her arm. She couldn't breathe. Her fingers grazed her sword. She had to grab it. It's grip got stronger. It felt like her insides were being crushed. Something sharp ripped through her clothes. She reached for her sword one more time. She strained to reach it. It was just centimeters away from her hand. She just had to reach a little further.

"Cora," a voice called out to her. It was so familiar yet it had begun to leave her memory.


The book glowed a bright shade of blue.

"No matter what happens you mustn't let the darkness control you."

Cora stretched her hand desperately trying to reach the sword tucked away in her sheath. Something sharp pricked her palm but she didn't flinch. Her fingers wrapped around the sword. In one swift motion she whipped out her sword and severed the bondage that was holding her.

Her cuts stung but that didn't matter. The book had spoken to her. How?

She flipped on the light switch. Severed vines were scattered all over the floor. They were a deep black color with sharp purple thorns, some of them were stained red with her blood. There was no doubt about it, these were the same vines from Mt. Nevado. But they didn't grow in Silvershore.

The book lay on the floor opened to a page somewhere in the middle. It had stopped glowing.

She tiptoed around the decapitated vines, afraid of injuring herself further.

She gently picked up the book off the floor, then sat on her bed.

Surprisingly, the page she was currently looking at had detailed drawings of the vines. Below them was another letter.

Dear Cora, I hope you are still fighting the best you can. If you're reading this, then the darkness has already begun to spread. Soon it will overrun all of Thessionia. The King of Shadows will return on Blood King's Day. You must defeat him then. I know I'm asking a lot of you and I wish things were simpler but I have faith you will succeed.

Blood King's Day was only a week away. How was she going to be ready to face him by then?

When she arrived downstairs everyone except Ray were gone.

"Where is everyone?" She asked.

"They decided it was best that they head home. It's been an eventful night."


"They wanted to say goodbye to you but, you took so long upstairs."

"About that," Cora quickly glanced around the room to make sure no one was watching, then opened the book. "The King of Shadows is going to return soon."

His eyes widened with surprise. "When?"

"On Blood King's day."

Ray looked away. "What's that?"

Cora was unsure of the best way to explain it to him. "Well, it's a Thessionian holiday where we celebrate the anniversary of the death of the Blood King." Knowing what she knows now, Cora felt bad she had celebrated it all these years.

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