Star-Crossed (Chapter Twelve)

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"Cora Bowman I think it's time that we have a little chat"

Cora pulled out her sword ready to defend herself.

He vanished into the darkness. She frantically looked around the room trying to figure were he disappeared to. He tried to grab her from behind. She was never going to let him touch her ever again.
She spun around and swung her sword at him. He caught the blade between his thumb and index finger.

"You're too slow," he said.

Cora tightened her grip on the sword's handle and tried to rip it out of his grasp.

"I'd listen to what I have to say if I were you," he said, removing his sword from the sheath. "I won't hesitate to slaughter you where you stand."

Cora stopped struggling. He ran the tip of his sword back and forth across her neck. "The old hag wouldn't give me what I want. Let's hope you'll cooperate."

Cora's blood boiled. This was the man that murdered her grandmother. He stood right in front front of her and she couldn't lay a finger on him. He was too fast.

"What do you want?" she asked, trying to mask the anger in her voice.

He leaned so close. He was only a couple of centimeters away from her face. He smelled like burning sulfur. There was a look of pure insanity in his glowing, yellow eyes. "I want the Blood King's head on a silver plate."

Cora couldn't breathe. He wanted to kill Ray!

"We both know he's a mad man," he said, pacing back and forth.

Cora thought about Golden Crest. He burned the entire city to the ground out of pure anger.

"I know that you know where he is and I won't hesitate to kill every single one of you're friends until I have him. Prince Charming will be the first to go."

Prince Lyon!

"I let him live this time but I won't be so generous next time."

Cora couldn't remember the last time she was completely frozen, incapable of doing anything at all. She just stood there in shock.

"Then I'll move on to the rest of them Dimitri and Zyler and Val and Scarlet. How is it going to feel having their lives on your conscience." He pointed his sword at her face. "Then, If you still don't cooperate, I'll kill you too. If you won't meet my demands, maybe your father will."

Cora wanted to kill him. She wanted to make him to suffer but she couldn't do anything.

"You have until my return to make your decision." And just like that he vanished into the darkness of night.

Cora collapsed on the cold wooden floors. She couldn't stop trembling. 

The answer should be simple. The Blood King was ruthless. He burned cities to the ground and killed everyone in them. She couldn't stop thinking about Ray's mischievous smile and warm embrace and his handsome face and the way his words always managed to comfort her. Why was this so hard?

Cora tiptoed down the halls. It was long past midnight. Once she reached the room she was looking for she gently knocked on the door. She shouldn't be doing this, he was probably asleep.

"Come in," the voice on the other side said.

Cora slowly opened the door. His face lit up like Christmas the moment he saw her. "Coraline, to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you tonight?"

Ray was sitting on top of his bed. His artificial leg was leaned up against nightstand beside the bed. He held an open book in his hands, Romeo and Juliet.

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