Shattered Diamond (chapter four)

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Valentina Martinez or Val as her friends called her was double checking all of her calculations. Everything must work perfectly if her entire guild was going to get into the Prestige Program.

She wrote on the chalkboard vigorously. The sound of the chalk scraping against the board sent chills down her spine and she loved it, loved solving complex equations with ease. She was happy to feel useful.

"I just got word from down stairs that two people have entered the building," her sister said as she paced back and forth.

"Excellent," Val replied.

"Did you just say excellent? Maybe you shut yourself in your lab for too long because that's not even enough eliminations for even one of us to pass. Would you care to explain how that's excellent?" her sister said now standing only a few inches away.

Adriana, the older of the two girls was the leader of their guild, the White Diamonds, not because of her leadership skills but because of her social status. She acted like a leader, but in reality she was nothing without Val.

"More people will come soon," Val responded, not looking up from her chalkboard.

"For your sake I hope you're right," Adriana threatened.

"My calculations are always correct," Val responded.

"They've entered the building begin phase two," she said through her earpiece to the rest of the White Diamonds.

"I only take orders from Adriana," the girl on the other said.

She looked to Adriana who was just standing there looking smug. Val let out a frustrated sigh as she plopped herself down into the nearest chair and opened up her laptop to check the cameras she installed downstairs.

There were two competitors, just like she had predicted. There was a girl with blonde hair who had a sword attached to her belt. She was clearly aiming to be a warrior. There was also a boy. He was wearing some sort of googles on his head and he had several devices strapped to his belt. She couldn't tell what they were from her vantage point. She'd have to be ready for whatever he might try to use against them.

Adriana finally gave the orders for the White Diamonds to begin phase two. A girl, with a slingshot in her hand, crouched down on the on the roof of the house directly next to the one Cora and Zyler were in. She was ready to snipe the intruders.

Her first shot broke straight through the glass window almost hitting the blonde, but she dodged it effortlessly. It was clear to see she practiced. She was obviously going to need something stronger.

"Use the stun grenade," Val said over her earpiece. There was nothing but silence on the other side.

"Do as she says," Adriana said through her earpiece.

The girl threw the stun grenade through the broken window. After a brief electrical shock, Cora and Zyler were both frozen in place. The boy was just out of her view but she had a perfect shot at the girl. She fired her second shot hitting the dead center of the target giving the girl her first strike. They'd have to hurry, the effects of the stun grenade would run out soon.

Val checked her screen again but all she could see was grey smoke.

"What's going on down there?" Adriana asked.

"They must have used a smoke bomb of some sorts," Val replied. Val had to admit the smoke bombs seemed to be very good quality. She couldn't help but wonder what the boy used to make them.

"I'm sending the troops downstairs." Adriana said.

We have no idea what we're up against. If we send the rest of the girls down there it could leave us at a serious disadvantage," Val protested.

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