The Snow and The Wolf

Start from the beginning

"What? This makes no sense- Aurora was terrified of the animals! Surely the witches could not have done a complete personality swap," Eira shouted in bewilderment. "We've never seen them capable of anything like that."

"Talk to her for a bit- you'll see she is far more outspoken than I have ever heard her," Aidan informed them with a sly smile as he recalled the events from earlier, "On top of that, she leaped off the stairs onto one of the enchanted vases as she tried to get away from us."

"Aurora has never done anything like that in all the time I've known her."

Channing licked his lips as he slowly pushed his shoulders back, eyes never leaving Rory. "Memory spells only control a person's memories- their personality would remain intact. Something else is going on here."

"Finally, a voice of reason. At least someone is listening to me," Rory said angrily, lifting her hand, gesturing to him. He recoiled slightly at her sharp tongue, which made Rory wonder if Aurora really was as quiet as they claim- never speaking out of turn and always doing as she was told.

"Stop it, this is pointless," Maximus harshly demanded as he stood up from his seat in the room. Everyone stopped talking, immediately looking at the more assertive of the twins, "First, we stop Malakai. It's too late to stop the plan; people have traveled a long way to see this through. Besides, we have to put him down before the Pacem Ball."

This was new to Rory. She hadn't heard of this event before. "The what?"

"The Pacem Ball, it's an annual event to celebrate the tranquility among our lands," Maximus informed her.

"Was there a conflict with the covens?"

"In the past, there were many wars within our world. Then, we created a peace treaty, it agreed to let the witches live in peace, the same goes for us. That's where the four realms come from. There were four leaders of the war, two on each side. It was called 'The War of the Four'. Eventually, they agreed to stop the bloodshed- this created four lands, Fantamia, Valsaire, Liberan, and Benela. Each led by a different leader of the war. To celebrate this peace, Fantamia hosts the Pacem Ball each year on the anniversary of the treaty," Maximus said, seeming to be very well connected with the history of their world.

"Do you all have the history books memorized?" Rory asked saccharinely, causing the twin to huff out and shake his head.

"We defeat Malakai, put him down for good," Maximus ignored her comment, turning back to the group. "After that, we figure out what the Maloid happened to my sister."

Everyone stayed quiet as they took in his words, taking them as direct orders that were not to be questioned. For a few moments, Rory wondered who else was coming to see the fall of this man. She could not help but think if he really was as evil as they all claimed. Biting her lip, she asked the one question that had been plaguing her mind the entire time.

"Um... sorry, not to interrupt- it's a great plan; honestly, I'm all for it... but what does 'Maloid' mean?"

 but what does 'Maloid' mean?"

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