Chapter Twelve

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[smut warning, ya dirty bastards]

the other five were sat together at their usual table when jim arrived in the lunch hall. he wandered over, scooting onto a bench next to mary.
'what have i missed?'
'we were talking about the camping trip.' Irene answered.
'the what?' jim replied through a mouthful of sandwich.
'we were planning a camping trip. just us six, that sort of thing.' john explain. 'we've all decided we're going if you want too as well'
jim shrugged. 'might as well.'

so that friday mollys dad picked everyone up and drove them out to the local camping grounds. after much deliberation and bickering they managed to erect three two-man tents. molly and irene. mary and john. sherlock and jim. they made a small fire and all sat around it. laughing and toasting (or at least attempting to toast) marshmallows. as the fire slowly died down jim noticed sherlock shivering. he pulled off his own sweater and chucked it in his direction. sherlock smiled gratefully and put the sweater on, this exchange was met by a wolf whistle from john and laughter from the girls. 'ah grow up' said jim but he was laughing too.

they made their way back to the tents. jim calling after john and mary 'oi no hooking up because i really do not want to have to listen to that' john turned beetroot red but mary was much quicker with a response. 'we could say the same for you two' she yelled back gesturing between him and sherlock. 'oh shut up mary' sherlock yelled back with a laugh. 'yeah shut up mary!' jim joined in, walking past sherlock and slapping his ass, causing everyone but sherlock to laugh. sherlock himself turned even redder than john, which just made jim laugh harder.

sherlock took his jeans off when he was inside the tent, bending over to pull them off his feet. jim couldn't help stare at his ass for a few seconds before realising what he was doing and looking away quickly. he took his own jeans off and climbed under the blankets. sherlock lay down next to him. they lay like this for hours until sherlock spoke. 'jim the other night at my house..' jim gulped slightly. 'why did you kiss me?'
'it was a mistake sherlock i was tired and still slightly drunk'
'oh. right.' sherlock replied, sounding a little hurt. 'but you tried to get off with me at irene's party..' 'i was drunk sherlock drop it.' jim snapped back
and sherlock fell silent. 'are you tired?' jim asked after a few minutes.
'no' sherlock replied.
'do you want to go for a walk?'

they walked for roughly twenty minutes , in silence, just taking in the scenery around them. it made a pleasant change from city life. suddenly, without warning, sherlock pushed jim against the trunk of a tree. he leant in and kissed jim roughly. at first jim was too shocked to stop him, but when he did regain some posture he still didn't stop him. he wasn't sure why but he wanted to let this play out. sherlock stepped back a little and pushed up jim's shirt and began kissing his chest. he moved lower and lower until he was on his knees in front of jim, undoing his jeans. still jim didn't stop him, he didn't know why. he knew he should stop sherlock, but surely this didn't make him gay? a blow jobs just a blow job right?

jim tilted his head back against the tree as sherlock ran his tongue down his length. fuck. he shouldn't let this happen. but he wasn't going to stop sherlock, not now. after a few moments he grabbed sherlock by his hair, guiding his movements, he couldn't help it. he stayed there, leaning against the tree with his hand gripping sherlocks curls tightly, until he came, hard. the whole time he managed to not look at sherlock, keeping his eyes closed.

sherlock stood up infront of Jim as he did up his jeans. jim still didn't meet sherlocks eye as he said 'i think we should go back.' he walked off briskly, not waiting for sherlocks reply.

he woke up early the next morning, he couldn't shake last night from his head. it didn't make him gay. it just didn't. it's not like he sucked sherlocks dick for christ sake. he got up, careful not to wake up sherlock, deciding he'd swim for a while, to clear his thoughts. he grabbed a towel on route and maybe his way to the near by lake. he stripped naked and lowered himself into the lake. he swam and soaked for roughly an hour, just thinking.

he wrapped the towel around his waist and made his way back to the little camp, to find everybody else sat around together. they turned and smiled at jim.
irene wolf whistled, making him chuckle. 'damn jim, i didn't realise you worked out!' she called after him as he made his way to the tent. still he didn't look at sherlock.

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