Chapter Eleven

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Jim arrived back in his house, thankful his dad wasn't home. Jim stood up and headed to the bathroom, stripping his clothes off and running a cold shower. he stood, letting the water run over him. slowly he ran a hand over the gash on his side. after standing under the freezing water for half an hour he shook himself out of it. he got out of the shower and pulled on a fresh pair of jeans and a tshirt.

jim lay back down on his bed and, after a few minutes of consideration he dialled the last number on his phone.

'hey what's up jim?' sherlocks voice answered the phone, surprisingly quickly. 'hey sherl, can you talk?'
'yeah what about?' that was a good question, which jim didn't actually have an answer too. after a few moments of silence sherlock spoke again 'did you finish carrie yet?' jim smiled.

they spoke until sherlock fell asleep, jim heard his breathing steady on the other side of the phone and chuckled quietly. he hung up and took off his jeans, pulling the duvet over himself. he fell asleep surprisingly quickly.

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