Chapter Five

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Jim, John and Mary walked to John's house in a comfortable silence. They arrived to see Sherlock and Molly stood by the gate, Sherlock leaning casually and looking down at Molly as she chatted away aimlessly.

John let everyone in, 'I hope you guys don't mind my inviting Jim?' he asked as he led them all through to the kitchen. 'Not at all.' Sherlock replied, perhaps a little too quickly, making Jim smirk.

They all settled themselves in the kitchen. Sherlock and Mary decided to sit on the bar stools, Jim chose the kitchen counter next to Sherlock and Molly followed suit, sitting on the counter next to him. John smiled and walked over to the fridge, 'Coke for Me and Molly, Sprite for Mary, Water for Sherlock and Jim?' He turned to look at Jim. 'Waters fine thanks John'

'So John? Do your parents work?' Jim asked, in an attempt to make conversation. 'Uh yeah my Dad's in the military, so i don't see much of him and my mom works at Sainsbury's' John replied, taking a sip of his coke. Jim nodded.

'So' Molly said loudly, startling Sherlock who clearly hasn't been paying attention. Jim grabbed his arm to stop him falling off his stool. Sherlock looked back at Jim and Jim winked. Sherlock looked away quickly as his cheeks reddened. 'Why don't we play 21 truths seen as Jim's sorta new to our group. you know? get to know each other?' 'Great idea Molly.' Mary smiled encouragingly. 'Why don't we sit on the floor so we can all see eachother.' Sherlock interjected.

Soon they all sat on the floor in Johns living room, in a circle that looked a bit like this.
          Sherlock             Mary
                     Jim    John
(you're welcome for the excellent diagram by the way -E)

'1..2..3' Molly began. this continued around the circle and eventually Jim ended up saying 21. He smiled 'only fair i suppose. so what do you want to know about me?' The other four thought for a moment before Molly whispered something to John. 'You can't ask him that Molly.' John replied, shooting an odd look at Jim. 'Can't ask me what?' Jim ask, raising an eyebrow and taking a sip of his water. 'Never mind' Molly giggled. 'No no, now i'm intrigued.' 'Ugh, molly wanted to know if you're ugh, single.' John asked impressively awkwardly. Jim laughed. 'Yes, i am' 'Really?' Molly blurted out. 'But you're so..' she stopped herself just as the other four started laughing.

After a few more rounds of this, Jim had settled in with the gang, it felt like he'd always been one of them. Soon it got dark and they decided that they should make their ways home. Before the left Molly stopped them all, 'So who's going to Irene's party tomorrow?' Sherlock groaned. 'Sherlock! you promised you would!' Mary interjected. 'I'll go.' Jim replied. Soon it was decided they would all go and Jim gave Mary his number so she could text him the details.

Mary, Molly, Jim and Sherlock walked home. Mary's house came up first and she hugged Molly goodbye, patted Sherlock's arm and waved at Jim. The remaining three walked on as Molly chatted on about Irene's party. 'It should be great! Irene throws the best parties Jim! It's casual clothing you know, dresses for girls, jeans for boys the usual...oh this is your house Sherlock.' 'Yes i know that, Molly.' She laughed and hugged him goodbye. Sherlock hugged her back and turned to Jim. 'Bye, James' 'It's Jim' 'Bye Jim' 'Bye Sherl'

Molly and Jim continued walking to their houses. when they reached Mollys front door she gave Jim a tight hug, which after a second he leant into and hugged her back. 'Bye Jim!'

Jim smiled and walked into his own house.

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