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Ari and Talon could agree on one thing - long walks were the worst thing this world had to offer. Aside from, you know, the evil sleepless monsters of death. Those were pretty bad too.

A close third, however, had to be the image of the 'weapons' facility they were now raiding. Broken windows from the eight years of hell, it stood grey and proud and falling apart. The timber frames that once would have looked majestic now looked like only a hazard to the trained eyes of two other survivors. It looked like the haunted house Talon vaguely remembered her family taking her to back in the good old days, when things were better. She'd screamed in terror at that haunted house, and the memory of that day crept its way up into her mind like a tarantula. No, not the time. Don't think about them. You know it's easier.

They circulated the perimeter a few times, wary of entering the cold building. Despite all this time, it stood defiant, and they didn't want to know what it would have in store for anyone who managed to brave the outside appearance to enter in. This was only reassuring to the girls because these days you would want to defend your home in any and every way you could; perhaps these.. homeowners.. hadn't prepared for anyone to actually walk right into their haunted home?

Stepping into the old building was like entering a new world. It was like venturing onto a set of old train tracks and following them as far as they'd take you, ignoring the grass peeking up between the slats and the bits where the metal was rusted and broken. The silence inside was so thick it was almost tangible.

Talon looked around, taking note of the heavy cobwebs and leaky roof. She lingered behind as Ria blazed ahead. Not the time. Not the time. Stop. Stay down. We can't do this right now. She attempted desperately to suppress her memories.

"Tal. Talon. Tal-on." her comm buzzed, loud enough to ground her. But the memories were still lingering there go away go away go away.

"Huh? Oh, right," Talon replied, shaking herself back to reality. Noticing Ria had moved ahead, she made haste. Once she caught up with the younger girl, she slowed her pace and they walked in a companionable silence.

Both girls heard it at the same time. The creak of a floorboard a few rooms away, and then an eerie silence as if the building was holding its breath. Ria's eyes met Talon's and she gave a short nod. The two of them crept forwards towards the noise, trying to be as quiet as possible in spite of how old and noisy the building was. (It registered in Talon's mind that they were moving away from the weapons they came for in the first place, but she cast the thought aside in excitement for the upcoming confrontation.)

Ria drew out two shotguns, and Talon clenched her fists together. The air hung thick and heavy as they pressed themselves up against the walls. Resisting the urge to cough, Talon poked her head around the corner and drew in a sharp breath.

That face i know that face oh god oh god oh god no no no no Helene. Okay, come on, come on talon find ria where is she?

Ari had moved past her, straight towards the Lost (no, call it a Faceless, don't feel it) with her guns tucked away. She turned back towards Talon, "Come on!" and charged, full-on at Helene. The closer she got, the more knives she held out - twelve, thirteen, fourteen, how is she holding that many knives?

"Tal, you wanna?"

Talon's head whipped around. "Huh?"

Ariadne repeated, "Do yo-"
"No, it's fine. Go ahead, I'll just- um, I'll stay here?" the girl stammered, "Maybe there's more of them. I'll watch out for anyt-"
"Okay, child, calm down," Ari interrupted.

Tal rolled her eyes. "I'm older than you!"

"Your point being?" Talon could basically hear Ariadne's smirk.

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