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Thump, thump, thump.

It was almost melodic, the constant pounding of feet surrounding them.

Thump, thump, thump.

Ariadne and Diamyn sprinted towards the door, but they were catching up. They were behind them. Oh hell, they were right behind them. Diamyn pounded on the door. It wouldn't budge. "Shit." 

"What now?" Ariadne turned towards her, panic obvious on her face.

Diamyn gestured towards the doors helplessly. They wouldn't budge, and the pair knew if they couldn't get out, they would die. Thump, thump, thump.

A third figure dropped from the rafters, hair a golden frenzy and eyes moving restlessly from Ariadne, Diamyn and the unopened door. The two friends grinned at the burly figure, who made a point to look a bit mad at them. Talon glanced irritably at the doors again, her lips tightening and head tilting in a question - which she answered f.

She nodded at the door, saying, "We're not getting out of here." The others nodded, but didn't want to give up if they could help it. A moment passed, all three thinking. Their hearts beat slightly faster, adrenaline coursing through their veins.

Thump, thump, thump.

Then Diamyn took a step back.

"What are you doing?" her companions hissed. She held up a hand, the silence falling over the area. If someone had pressed their hand against any of the girls' chests, they would have felt their hearts beating increasingly fast as their panic grew - especially now that Diamyn had an idea.

Thump, thump, thump.

She took a run up and jumped, bringing both feet forward. As her legs collided with the door, the door splintered in an explosion of wood. She landed on her arms, which pushed her onto her feet.

"What the bloody hell were you thinking?" the voice spoke with an irritation that could only come from Talon.

"Well it worked, didn't it?"

"Dia, this was supposed to be a stealth mission!"

"Key word supposed!" mumbled Ariadne whilst trying to get a response via her comm.

"Oh... sorry?"

Talon shrugged, exasperated, and gestured wildly for Diamyn to get out. She did, running as she had done for the past eight years- like her life depended on it (which it did). Talon hoisted Ariadne up, so she could grab Lilith and run.

The fifteen year old placed the last of the bombs down and begrudgingly let Ariadne drag her down, her comm laying forgotten on the side. She scooped it up upon seeing the others and tried to hide that she'd taken it off. Talon brought them down and sprinted out, where their comrade met them.

They all ran, not daring to look back.

"It's gonna blow!" Lilith yelled "Move, move! GET OUT OF HERE!". The four dove for cover as the hospital burst into flames. Talon clutched the bag full of meds and food to her side, breathing heavily. The girls scrambled to their feet, ears still ringing slightly due to the explosion.

"We've got to get moving if we want to get to the bunker by sundown," Ariadne pointed out. Diamyn shifted her backpack awkwardly and took out the map, handing it to Talon. The woman studied it before heading off, at least acting like she knew where she was going, the other three in tow.

The four small-ish figures darting between trees, laden-down with sagging backpacks, may have seemed strange in years long gone by, but now...


So, that was that ! things will start to make sense soon i swear !

Sorry this is short, we're working on it ! Also sorry it took so long, LIA DOESN'T DO HER ANS BLAME HER !

Goodbye children - ria

Hope you liked it! We are working on longer chapters if you feel you read this too fast so don't worry. Ummm, it might be slow updates because school sucks. Hope you have a good day/evening after this :) Virtual hugs, Dia

If this is confusing dw it's going to become clearer in the next couple of chapters - Thia

Hope you like our story so far - feel free to yell at us if we've done anything wrong, and if you're still confused about everything after the next few chapters, let us know. Basically, if ANYTHING, pop it in the comments and we'll try to answer you.

The Stricken- Faceless and LostOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz