Ch. 4

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Louis POV-

We arrive at school and it looks alright, at first.

Mark stares whilst i get out of the car. I expected him to leave, but wasn't really surprised when he didnt. I have a bad feeling about this.

As im walking up to the front gate atleast 15 people have already called out 'faggot' to me. I'm hating today already. When i walk up to the front gate, i started feeling more and more unsafe.

Once i reach the inside of the school nobody is talking or paying attention to me, i thought it was a good thing, that is until i found out why.

I was walking to my lockers when i was slammed into my locker by the one and only Zayn. The school Jock. The most 'popular' boy in school. He is a dick and i think the only reason why he is popular is because he is strong, intimidating, and rich as hell.

Im trying to repeat to myself in my head to stay calm. Zayn then grabs my collar and uses it told hold me up against my locker. He smirks and then punches me in the stomach multiple times. Next thing i know, im on the floor getting kicked by Malik and his lads. My vision is getting fuzzy again and im pretty sure im about to pass out.

"Fucking nasty ass." Remarks zayn as the bell rings for class.

They leave me, alone, in the hallway, about to pass out.

Wow people really do know how to put someone down, don't they? I hate myself for being like this, i really do. Why must i be so idiotic and disgusting? Why must i have been born a mistake? Everything about me is fucked up. I need to get out of here.

I try to stand up, only to get a major headache and a strong pain in my side. My arm feels broken and im pretty sure at least two of my ribs are broken as well. I know i should go to the nurses office, but i want to get out of this place as soon as possible.

Right as im about to leave i hear the janitors voice behind me, great.

"Tomlinson, shouldn't you be in class?" I turn around and she gasps.

"What happened? Oh dear! You look horrible. I think you need the nurse! Who did this to you, Louis? Who?" Said the janitor in slight horror.

"I-i dont know.." I lied, afraid of what would happen if i got Zayn in trouble. I shivered at the thought.

"We will figure that out later! We need to get you to the nurse immediately honey!" Said the janitor.

"Okay, but onl-" i crash to my knees, as my legs gave out. I scream in pain.

"Nurse! Someone call the nurse! Hurry!" I heard the janitor frantically yell, just before my vision went dark.

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