"Lucas!" Calum shouts in the phone and I couldn't help but smile.

"Calum!" I mock, stepping inside the house to be away from the chatting crew.

"How are ya doing, mate?" Calum asks in an Australian accent.

I chuckle at his weirdness, "I'm been pretty good actually. How are things in Cali with Mikey?"

"Amazing." He sighs happily. "School starts in two weeks and we're both kinda nervous. I mean, we have a majority of our classes together, but ya know, it's still gonna be crazy."

"I bet you'll get used to the routine quickly." I encourage, opening the fridge to pull out a water bottle. I hold the phone between my shoulder and cheek so I can open the bottle and take a sip.

"How about you and Ash? Have you guys left yet?"

"We're actually supposed to be leaving here shortly. We want to be at the airport early so we don't take a chance of missing our flights." I answer.

"Who's flight leaves first?" He asks.

"Ashton's." I respond. "My flight leaves forty five minutes after his."

"Well, I wish you both good luck." Calum says and I can practically see the smile on his kiwi face. "Don't forget to come visit us."

"Oh, don't worry, I definitely will. I've always wanted to go to California." I laugh.

"Luke! Come on, sweetheart, we have to get going!" I hear my mother shout from the front porch.

"I have to go, Cal. Text me or call me later, alright?" I say quickly.

"Sure thing, Lukey boy. I miss you!"

"I miss you too, Cal!" I quickly hang up my cell phone and shove it in my pocket before grabbing my water bottle and rushing out the front door.

The five of us drove in Mrs. Irwin's range rover since there was room for all of us - plus Ashton and I's luggage. We blasted Green Day and All Time Low the whole way there - which happened to be a half hour drive.

I couldn't help but look over at Ashton and smile, remember the amazing time we had at the All Time Low previous months before. We had had a blast and I even got to touch Alex's hand. I actually fangirled when it happened. No shame.

By the time we made it to the airport we checked our stuff and we now sat waiting for the annoying voice over the loud speaker to announce when Ashton's plane was leaving.

As time drew near, I grabbed the sleeve of Ashton's shirt and pulled him away from out families, away from earshot of anyone.

"I don't want you to leave, Ash." I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. "You can't leave me. Not after what we've been through." I began to panic.

"Babe, babe, relax." Ashton chuckles, grabbing my face so I would stop fidgeting. "We're going to be fine. We'll talk everyday and we'll see each other around thanksgiving. We were thinking about going to Cali to see Mikey and Cal, right? We'll be okay, baby, I promise."

I breathed in and out slowly so I could control myself. "Okay," I breathe in and out a little more quickly. "I believe you."

"I love you so much, Luke." Ashton says, kissing my nose.

"I love you too, Ash." My eyes begin to water as they call his flight number.

"That's me." Ashton mutters, biting down on his bottom lip. "I really do love you, Lukey."

"I love you too." I repeat, pulling him into a tight hug. I kept my eyes shut tight as we hugged so I wouldn't start to cry.

"Honey, that's you." Mrs Irwin spoke softly, placing a hand on Ashton's shoulder.

"Mom." He sighs, pulling her into a hug. Once he pulls away from their embrace and kneels down so that he's a height with Harry - Harry's only a little taller now. "I'm gonna miss you, squirt." Ashton smiles.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Ash." Harry says, the tears already pouring down his cheeks.

"I'll be back before you know it." Ashton says encouragingly, trying to lighten the mood and to get Harry to stop crying. There was last call for Ashton's flight. "I need to go guys." Ashton sighs, hugging my mom quickly before hugging his mom once more. "I'll text you, okay?" He says directly to me and I nod rapidly. "Bye guys."

We all had a chorus of goodbyes and we returned to our seats, now having to wait for my flight. When my flight was finally called I hugged Mrs Irwin first, then Harry - who told me that I had to include him in one of Ashton and I's Skype calls - them lastly, my mom - who I knew I would be hugging the longest.

"Call or text me as soon as your flight lands. I want to know when you're safely in your dorm." She sniffles and I smile.

"I know, mom, I will. I have to go before I miss my flight." I kiss her on the check before waving goodbye to the Irwin's and heading for the gates.

I took one last glance behind me, seeing the tears in my mom's eyes and the frown on Harry's face.

I was not going to cry.

I was not.

After finding my seat on the plane I laid back, shutting my eyes for a minute to rest. I thankfully had the window seat so I could just watch the sky. I jumped slightly in my chair when a little girl and her mom sat down next to me.

"Hi." The little girl smiles.

"Hi." I return the smile as her mom laughs.

"I'm sorry, she's very outgoing and talkative." She says.

"It's quite alright. It's nice to have some kind of company." I respond.

"Well, she's a machine, so you can talk with her." She chuckles.

"What's your name?" I ask, shifting a bit in my seat.

"Ashley." She smiles a toothy grin. "But most people just call me Ash."

I couldn't help but smile at the name. "Ok, Ash."

The Babysitter ≫ lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now