62- WhatsApp

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Jimin: Kookie..

Jimin: Hoseok (Tae's friend) told me he hasn't seen Tae for a while now and he's not picking up his calls

Jimin: Did you happen to see him?

Kookie: I'm sure he's in the party somewhere, don't bother me

Jimin: I told you not to let him see you

Jimin: Maybe he did?

Jimin: Shit

Jimin: Hoseok said he was drunk

Jimin: I've seen a drunk Tae before and it isn't pretty

Jimin: He legit burst into tears because I was eating chicken and he cried about how painful it would've been when the chicken was slaughtered

Jimin: He even said he'll start a campaign to stop the abuse of chickens

Jimin: In other words he's very emotional and I don't know what he's doing now

Kookie: Then why tf was he left alone!???

Kookie: When last did you see him?

Jimin: It's over an hour... He didn't really want to talk to me so I gave him space

Kookie: I'll look for him

Jimin: I'll look too

Jimin: I'm getting Yoongi some black coffee, I'll drop it for him then go look too

Kookie: Don't worry I'll find him myself

Kookie: Stay with Yoongi

Jimin: He'll be fine

Jimin: At least he stays at one place when he's drunk

Jimin: Taehyung walks around a lot

Kookie: Never mind that, I said I'll look for him

Jimin: I thought you didn't care

Kookie: I don't. I'm doing this for you.

Jimin: Why?

Kookie: Because I care about my friends.

Kookie: I'll ask Yibo, he may have seen him

Jimin: K

Jimin: I hope he's okay..


Just a gentle reminder that this book will soon end~

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