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chapter four

Waking up on Thursday morning, a groan left my lips realising it's the day I return to my dormitory. "Honey, we need to leave in an hour" I heard my mother call out from behind my door. Winter break is over, there's 2 weeks of lectures followed by 3 weeks of break yet again, I don't think the university calculated our break correctly - oh well. I threw my covers off, walked into my ensuite and had a shower. "Morning" I greeted Jonas "Hey, university kid" He beamed and I rolled my eyes "I just can't wait to be back home for 3 weeks" I groaned "But you're still going back" Jonas pointed and I nodded "3 weeks is a lot, okay" He chuckled "Come on, give me a hug before you leave" I smiled and walked towards him, leaning down and gave him a hug before kissing his cheek.

"I love you" He said and my smile broadened "Love you too, big bro. I'll call soon" I walked out the room thereafter. "Ready?" I nodded and grabbed my luggage before following my mother out the house. "Gemma! Welcome back" I heard a cheery voice from the hallway, "Hey" I waved from inside my dorm room as I began unpacking. "How was the short winter break?" Vicki walked in, I sighed knowing I have to entertain her until my roommate arrives "It was tiring"

I placed my textbooks on my desk "What did you do? Are you still working for that publishing company, I heard some hot-shot bought it and that he's really tough to deal with" She babbled and I only hummed in response. Vicki's inquisitive ways will never change. "How will you make time for lectures though?" I took in a deep breath to hold myself back from throttling her "I have been allocated time during the week" I passed her a pressed smile. "Oh, it's you" My roommate bustled in, the bright smile that was on her face wiped off in an instant as she took note of Vicki.

"Alexa, what a pleasant surprise" Vicki snickered "Vicki, nice scarf. Tell grandma Peggy she made it a tad bit loose" I chuckled at their interaction, Vicki huffed and stomped out. Alexa and Vicki go way back to kindergarten, once Vicki took Alexa's lunch so Alexa punched her. They've hated each other ever since, Vicki actually has a scar by her nose because of that incident. "I've missed you" Alexa said, I turned to her in surprise, she's never been one to show her emotional side or empathise with anyone. "You did?" She nodded "I broke up with Dean, by the way" Dean is the definition of an asshole, he mistreated Alexa from the day they started dating but she liked him so much that she ignored all of it.

"I'm sorry, Lex" She shrugged in response "It's okay, it's not like I was serious about him. I mean he surely wasn't, I bet the girl he slept with is still over at his house right now" She began unpacking and I sat on my bed, watching her throw her stuff about to express her frustration. "Come on, let's go stuff our faces with ice cream" I sprung up from my bed, grabbed her by her arm and pulled her out the room not before I shoved my keys into my pocket. "I don't want to. I want to hit something" She declared in a dark voice "Oh no you don't. We're going to the gym, you're going to punch something there. That wall will break your hand" I warned Alexa as she stared at the concrete wall next to us.

"What about ice cream?" She asked while I kept on pulling her "We can get that after. I know your frustration has built up to a level where you're about to explode, so explode first then mourn later." Alexa may say she wasn't invested into her relationship with Dean but she was, she gave him her everything for the entire 4 years that had been together and he gave her betrayal in the end. I stared at myself in the changing room mirror, my eyes flitting over the scar situated on the side of my hip bone. "Hey, stop thinking about it. He's not going to find you guys" Alexa spoke from behind me, her tone was comforting and I sighed "I can't help but think about it every time I look in the mirror" I wrapped the tape around my hands, finding that Alexa had already done hers.

Alexa had been the first friend I made here when we moved, she was Cheryl's neighbor. The bond we share started with me asking her if she had a scrunchie at the playgrounds. Ever since, we've been best friends and I couldn't be more happier to have found her. Alexa had been through the same thing as me, the only difference is that her father hadn't tried to kill her. The punching bags had been occupied by other gym members so we had to make use of the hand mitts. I placed my hands into the punching mitts with the help of Alexa as we stood at the far end of the gym. "Right, ready?" I asked her, holding up my hands in front of my face with one leg situated behind the other to keep my stance proper. "Ready" She said, the color of her iris darkened and she jerked her arm back before throwing it forward, the glove that hugged her hand collided with the mitt on my right. This continued as she took out her frustration, switching hands from time to time.

"I could have broken your hand on that last one, I'm sorry about that" I brushed her off, twisting my wrist around to get some feeling in it after her last punch nearly bent my hand "It's okay, you needed to let out your anger and I wanted to help. It is a little sore but nothing ice can't fix" I passed her an assuring smile. The both of us sat on the pavilion benches, heaving out breaths from the strenuous workout. "I really thought he was a good guy, he seemed so sweet and gentle all the time that I didn't think he'd do this to me. Even after knowing what happened before" Her face held a sullen look, "I know but he doesn't deserve you. You're going to meet someone one day and that is when you're going to get your happy ending" She nodded with a sigh "Anyway, let's go get some ice cream. I think we deserve that after nearly breaking our bones" She chuckled and I stood up, the both of us heading back to the changing rooms before leaving the gym.

We headed to the mess hall, finding an empty bench for ourselves." So, how was work?" Alexa asked, her mouth full of dairy "Pretty slow actually, I approved three manuscripts and Mr Gomez seemed happy with my choices so I've got that going for me" I shrugged "Oh and Jonas started to speak, I was surprised to find that his speech wasn't that impaired" I added "Really? That's great news, Gem" Alexa shrieked "It is, Mom is over the moon" I smiled widely. Alexa had a small crush on my brother, when we were kids she never liked him but post puberty, she fell hard. By the tinge of her cheeks, I'm guessing she still does.

"So, are you still crushing on my brother?" I asked casually "Yes.. I mean, what are you talking about?" She answered immediately only to cough, covering up her mishap and I giggled "It's okay if you are, I actually think that you two would be great together but unfortunately, he's not capable right now" I said and she blushed "Aw, you're blushing" I cooed "Fuck off, Aubrey" Lex scolded causing me to laugh "Come on, we have to get back and sort our dorm out" I changed the subject much to the relief of Alexa and we left the hall, heading up to our dormitory then fell asleep immediately after unpacking our belongings.

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