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chapter three

"Hey Cheryl" I greeted as I entered the diner I worked at, "Hey sweetheart" The middle aged woman smiled at me and I returned it, taking a seat at the counter "How's everything here?" I played with a serviette "Not the same without you" She said in a kind voice and I smiled. "What's wrong, sweet pea?" I sighed and told her it's nothing but just work that's being a bit pressurising as well as studying "When do you go back to university?" She placed a strawberry milkshake in front of me and I thanked her "This week Thursday" I played with the straw as I mixed the drink.

"Four days left, better enjoy it" I chuckled "I plan to, Jo started speaking" Her eyes lit up, holding that motherly spark in it "Oh that's lovely. Your mother must be so happy" I nodded with a grin "She is, we all are." When my Mom, Jo and I moved to Seattle, Cheryl had been kind enough to help us until we got back on our feet. We sought refuge in her home and she had always been so generous and kind to us that no amount of money could help repay her. One night, my mother with every single ounce of bravery in her packed all our stuff and we ran away from my abusive father.

Soon, my mother made amends with her family due to the fact that she ran away with my father to get married only to have her family disown her. We built a better life for ourselves and we intend on keeping it that way. Seattle has been a home to us for the past 15 years - I know right, that's quite a long time - my mother hopes that by now, my father is dead or probably remarried. He never treated her right, he never treated us right. I was too small to remember much of it but what I do remember is seeing the scars and bruises all over my mother's face, she didn't deserve that neither does any other women.

"So?" I quirked an eyebrow at Cheryl "What?" She asked, wiping the inside of a glass "What's your secret?" She passed me a sly glance "What secret?" I pouted "To these milkshakes! How are they so light and creamy but never have too much ice cream?" I sat on the edge of my seat, I worked at the diner but as a waitress. I wasn't part of the kitchen, Cheryl promised that once I leave she'll tell me the recipe to her famous milkshakes "Oh no, I'm not telling you a thing" She wagged a finger and I gave her my best puppy dog eyes.

"You promised!" She laughed, her eyes crinkled at the edges "Hand beaten" Was her reply and I widened my eyes "That's it?" Cheryl nodded and I sunk in my seat "And the addition of a secret ingredient that's been passed from generations which is also in every meal" She went on to serve other customers and I sighed. "It's fine. I'll take that for now" I checked the time to find that I need to be at home otherwise my mother would start messaging me about my whereabouts - this is what I meant by close-knit. "Anyway, I've got to go. Bye Cheryl, thanks for the milkshake" I smiled at her, placing a few notes on the counter, waving at her before leaving.

I walked along the quiet streets, my hands stuffed inside the pockets of my coat as I picked up my pace to get home. It's so peaceful, not a soul in sight, the howls of the wind danced through the night giving of an eery feel. Minutes later, I stepped up the front porch of my house and unlocked the door, my nose tingled when the warm and comforting air of the house hit my skin. "Mom, I'm home" I called out "In here" I heard her yell from the kitchen, I followed her voice to find her stressing over something over the counter "Mom, what are you doing?" She groaned as I watched her third attempt of baking.

I widened my eyes at the disfigured form of a two-tier cake, "I think you should leave the baking to me" I chuckled and placed my coat around the back of the bar stool "I'm trying so I attempted to reshape the cake" She pouted and I hugged her, pecking her cheek "But you fail at it all the time" She leaned her head against mine and sighed "I'm hopeless" She laughed and I joined her. Mom has always been a fantastic cook but her baking skills beg to differ. She's completely hopeless, for my seventh birthday she tried baking a princess cake only to have it flop so she ended up making a tower of various types of grilled cheese sandwiches, either way it's the thought that counts. She even refused to order a cake from a bakery being determined on making her own.

"Hey, honey" I heard Mom call out "Yeah?" I shook my hands before wiping it from washing the dishes "Who's that guy that you interviewed?" I walked into the living room, confused "Shawn Mendes, why?" She pointed to the TV "He's on. Apparently, he just bought a multibillion dollar publishing company" She added "Oh my god" I said in pure shock, I slumped onto the couch before the TV and my mouth hung open "Close your mouth, Gem or a fly will go inside" I shook my head repeatedly "No, this can't be happening" I said as if I'm in a dream.

"Gemma, what's wrong?" I turned to my aloof mother "That's the company I work for. He's my boss now" I pointed to the screen where the caramel eyed beauty was shown, a smoldering smirk on his face. "That's bad because?" She questioned "It's not bad," I fumbled "I just heard he's not a very nice boss" I said in a small voice. "I'm sure what you heard was incorrect. Just see what happens when you go back" I don't know how I feel about working in the same building as Mr Mendes. I mean, I hardly know him at all but there's just something about him that makes me feel all fuzzy and faint. Is that weird?

I hope you're enjoying it so far? Should Shawn have bought the company she works for? What would happen next? Sigh.

If you want to read more then don't forget to hit the little star and drop in a comment, I really appreciate all the support you've given me.

I love you all xx
- Shristhi

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