Laxus X Reader | Ghost

Start from the beginning

"Please don't don't do that," she whined, pushing his hand away with both of hers. "How would you like it if I mess up your hair?"

"Try me," he only replied, the side of his lips tugging up in a smirk. [Name] rolled her eyes at that, knowing that he knew she could never do it.

She didn't even bother trying to get her little revenge and resigned to lightly shoving Laxus just as they reached the guild doors. She pushed them open first and stuck to the sides, away from the fight on her way to the second floor. She dropped her smile for a second, replaced by a sigh of relief.

Laxus, without seeing through her lie, followed closely behind her just to make sure that nothing would hit her. The other three followed a few steps behind their leader for the same reasons.

And luckily, they didn't have to block a single thing today and the two made it to the second floor without a scratch whilst Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen sat at their usual table right by the stairs.

"Looks like they weren't fighting after all," Freed brought up first, making Evergreen scoff loudly.

"Well, I'm sure the occasion will come around some other time," she defended whilst fanning herself with her fan.

"Yeah right, when the world ends maybe," Bickslow chimed in, his dolls echoing him as usual.

Evergreen only hit him on the head with her folded up fan in response, knowing that he was probably right.

[Name] ended up reading her book across from Laxus for the entire day. But despite how long she had read, she barely moved past the first few pages for her mind kept wondering back to the contents of the letter hidden in her pocket.

When she looked up, she noticed that he was asleep and smiled at the sight.

Leaving the book on the table, she took a crumpled piece of parchment out of her pocket and flattened it against the table. As she scanned the contents once again, her hands couldn't stop shaking.

After reaching the end for the last time, she frowned heavily and ripped it up, her mind made up about what she was going to do. [Name] dumped the contents in the bin and used multiple tissues to cover most of the pieces up.

"Jeez, they're the worst," she muttered coldly and completely out of character before wiping the look off her face. Her smile reappeared in case Laxus woke up.

As she turned around, she caught sight of a new job on the S-Class board. Her eyes lingered on it curiously before she decided against the plan that had formed in her mind.


"Laxus wait!" [Name] called as she ran after him. "Where are you going?"

"Buying things for dinner. What's wrong?" he asked her, confused by her odd behaviour.

"Okay, I'm coming with you," she gave him a brief smile before she hooked her arm around his.

"You've been acting weird these past few days. What's going on?"

"Nothing, I just don't want to be alone," she assured, her eyes focused forward as they headed out of the house. Her hand held onto his arm tighter than she normally would and they continued to fidget. A sign of anxiousness,

"Do what you want," Laxus scoffed but his tone showed slight concern. It would have only been a 10 minute trip, so why did she seem that worried?

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