Chapter 10

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Harry POV 

My phone rings and I pick it up, not rushing, without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" I say lazily.  

"I knew it!" I hear a voice exclaim.  

"Well hi to you too mom!" I roll my eyes at her greeting, "And what did you know?" 

"That you like Niall! And now you are dating it is perfect!" 

"Yeah," I respond. We weren't allowed to tell anyone that we were fake dating, it was part of what Simon told us. So now I have to lie to my family and friends, minus the band, about my relationship.  

"How long have you known?" I ask her.  

"Oh well it was always obvious to me! Since the start!" 

I think about this for a long time. Have I really acted like I liked Niall for over 2 years now?  

"Yeah, well I like him a lot!" I say back to her. After we talk about what she's been doing lately we hang up, with my mother saying to tell Niall and the other boys she says hi.  

I sigh at my mom's odd excitement that I am 'gay'.  

I head down stairs and see Louis Liam and Zayn sprawled out on the couches. "Where's Niall? I ask. "Upstairs," Zayn responds. I say thanks and head back up the stairs. I knock lightly before walking into his room. I see him laying on his bed on his phone. I leap onto the bed next to him. He quickly gets out of what ever he was just looking at.  

"What was that?" I ask him.  

"Wh-What was what?" he stutters.  

"You know what," I respond with a smile.  

"Wait what?" he says, scrunching up his face in an adorable way. Adorable? Why did I say that? 'Cause you like him!' the weird voice responds in a singsong way. I told you to go away! 

"Why do you want me to go away?" Niall says.  

"Oh, no! Not you! The-" I start to say the voice in my head but think that would sound weird. "Not you." I say, leaving it at that.  

"Oh and my mom says hi," I tell him, "She really ships Narry I think". 

He smiles at me and says, "Good because I do too," and my heart stops for a second. Is he flirting? I slowly smile back, in a flirty way. "Me too," I say inching towards him. I look at his lips, and need to feel them on mine. I lean closer to him and his eyes widen, before slowly leaning in too. We are an inch apart before Zayn walks into the room. We freeze, and then pull away hastily, but not before Zayn sees us. His eyebrows raise and says, "Ok...should I remember seeing that or no," and I shake my head. "No," I say and I see Niall's face drop a little. "What were you coming to tell us?" I ask. "Well besides Danielle, we have a bit more drama." "What is it?!" Niall asks worried. "Come downstairs and I'll explain." he leaves and Niall and I look at each other and shrug. I get up and offer him my hand. He uses it to get up and I am going to pull away, but his hand holds mine there. I smile at the wall and we walk down the stairs. I loosen my grip on his hand, giving him the option to pull away, but he doesn't. I sit on the couch and, every seat being taken, he sits on the ground, his back against the couch I between my legs. I turn to Zayn expectantly. He sighs before saying, "My parents, they don't like the fact that you two are going out," he pauses, "And they want me to quit the band," I gasp at this. My hand reaches down and starts playing with the hair on the back of Niall's head. I twirl the blond locks between my fingers and think. We can't tell them the truth, and Zayn can't leave the band, so what do we do? "Anyone think of anything?" I ask. Liam speaks up for the first time since the breakup. "We could talk to management?" he suggests. "That's a brilLiam idea!" Louis jokes. "But really! It is!" he adds.  

"I think we should do it!" I say. The others agree and Zayn goes upstairs to make a call to management. Louis goes to whisper talk with Liam again, most likely trying to get him to talk, since he hasn't been talking since the breakup. I look down at the top of Niall's head and smile at it. I am still twirling Niall's hair. I lean over to see his face and his eyes are closed. I keep doing it, finding it has a soothing effect on me. I lean over to whisper in his ear, "I think your hair is magic, my little Leprechaun. It is helping me think." he shudders as my warm breath reaches his ear.  

Zayn returns with the news that management wants us to go to a meeting with them in an hour. We go up to our rooms to get ready and then head back downstairs.

Niall POV  

Once we meet with management, they tell us that our relationship is going to have to last longer, so we can't 'stop' the relationship. But we can't have Zayn leave the band, so we are going to have to tell his parents that our relationship is fake. When I hear this, I feel so sad. I like Harry and I know he likes me too, we just don't know what our relationship is, and we haven't talked about it yet. To tell the truth, I wish I could be with Harry...but I am loving our teasing relationship. I look over at Harry who has a similar expression to what I am guessing I have on my face. We lock eyes and then look away.

Back at home, Zayn makes plans for his parents to visit us tomorrow and we start cleaning. Liam and Louis clean the living room and one bathroom together and Harry and I clean the kitchen. After Zayn gets off the phone, he cleans the other bathroom.  

We walk into the kitchen and see where we should attack first. Normally when we are in the kitchen it doesn't seem too bad, but when you have to clean it, you notice the little spots that are messy or dirty. I start scrubbing dishes and Harry rinses them and dries them. I grab a bunch of foam in my hands and give him a beard. "You look good with a beard Styles," I say to him. He grins at me before grabbing some and putting it on my chin. He rubs his foamy beard with two fingers examining me. "I think I like you better with out a beard," he says thoughtfully. I playfully smack him upside the head, but my foam covered hands get foam in his hair. "Oh now you'll pay!" he says. He grabs a bunch of foam and splashes me with it. We splash each other back and forth. I run towards him, ready to attack, when I slip on the floor and fall into him. We fall to the floor with me on top of him. I hold myself up with my hands, which are placed on either side of his head. His eyes widen and he slides his tongue across his lips. I want that to be my tongue. 'Woah Niall calm down!' 

We lean our heads towards each other's and our lips brush. A zing goes through my body as Harry rests his lips on mine. We slowly move them together, keeping the kiss under control, even though we can both feel the need for the other. We pull away and I smile at him. His expression goes from happy to confused in a second. He pushes me off of him and walks out the door. I sit against the counter thinking, 'What did I do wrong? Was I wrong about him feeling the same I do?'  

A tear runs down my face and I don't bother to wipe it away. The door opens and Zayn peers his head in. When he sees me with a tear on my cheek he comes and sits next to me. He looks at me, waiting to see if I am going to tell him what happened between us. I let out a shaky breath before I spill everything that has happened between us so far. His expression doesn't change during the story and when I finish, tears are streaming down my face. He didn't say anything, but right now I just needed someone to listen, and Zayn always knows the time I need that.

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