Chapter 40 - Heading to 12 Grimmauld Place

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Erika's POV
We're at the Grand Room, sitting along with EXO and Dad.
"I have serious news from Kingsely." Dad said.

We listened closely to him.

"Harry has been expelled from Hogwarts." Dad added.
EXO mumbled while I was in shock.

"But we're having a meeting at 12 Grimmauld Place. Which Sirius Black's location." Dad said.
"What's the meeting about, Hyung?" Kris asked.

Dad sighed and leaned over the table, resting his hands on the table.
"The Order of the Phoenix has build up again." Dad replied.

"The Order of the Phoenix?" we all asked.
Dad nodded.

"Suho, Kris. I'm asking all of the EXO members stay here. I'm taking my daughters with me. Since school will start soon." Dad said.

"Ne!" Kris said.

Then Dad turned to us.

"Get your things ready. We're leaving as soon as possible." Dad said.
Belle and I nodded. And we both went to our rooms and packed.

As we packed our things....Belle hesitated to take her wand.
I sighed and took it. Then I put it in her bag.

"Sorry, Unnie." she said.
"It's okay. It takes time." I said.

She nodded.

"Come on, let's go."
Harry's POV
I was dreaming about the graveyard last year.
Belle getting tortured and Cedric's death.
I opened my eyes. And I heard something at the door. I stood up and have my wand ready.
The door opened.
"Don't push me." Someone mumbled.

They came in. I lowered my wand.

"Professor Moody? What are you all doing here?" I asked.
"Rescuing you, of course." He replied.

I got dressed up and we both left the house.
"But, professor, the letter says that I was expelled for Hogwarts." I said.
"Not yet, you're not." Moody said.
"Don't worry, Dumbledore persuaded the minister to suspend your expulsion pending a formal hearing." Said Kingsley.
"A Hearing?" I asked.
"Uh-huh." He said.
"Don't worry, Harry. We'll, explain everything once we get back to headquarters." Said Tonks. "Shhh....not here, Nymphadora." Moody sneered.
"Don't. Call. Me. Nymphadora." She said when her hair turns red. Remind me not to get her mad.

Professor Moody summoned our brooms and said, "Stay in formation, everyone. Don't break ranks if one of us is killed."

We flew off.
Erika's POV
We made it to the place. But all I see is just buildings.
"Dad...why are standing here for?" I asked.
"You'll see." Dad replied.

Belle and I look at each other and shrugged.

Dad pulled out his wand and waved it.
All of a sudden, the buildings started to move. Even though there's muggles in that building. They don't even notice.

"Whoa." Belle mumbled.

"Let's go in." Dad said.
We nodded and followed Dad.

As we walked in, Dad stopped.

"You two head upstairs. The meeting is starting." he said.
We didn't ask why, but we just went upstairs.

As we did, we bumped into a little house elf. He just gave a look and walked away.
We walked into a room, seeing Hermione and Ron.

"Erika! Belle!" Hermione chimed.
"Hey!" I said.

She walked up to us and gave us a hug.
"Hermione...can't breathe." Belle said.

She pulled away and smiled. Until she noticed Belle.

"Belle, are you all right? You look pale." she said.
Belle just nodded.

"The look on your face, Belle. Doesn't look good." Ron said.
Belle sighed and sat on the bed.

"During the summer, Belle's been having nightmares about Cedric and You-Know-Who sending the curse on her." I said.

Hermione and Ron was quite shocked about that.
"Not only that...she's afraid of using her wand again." I added.
"What?" Hermione asked.

"I'm scared using my wand. And I don't know why." Belle replied, frowning.
"I think I know. But I don't want to say it, it might hurt Belle more." Hermione said.

"Thanks Hermione." I thanked her for understanding Belle's situation.

Hermione nodded.

"So, did you guys hear about Harry?" Ron asked.
I nodded. "But, let's wait until Harry gets here. So that we hear his side of the story."   

Never Thought I Would Fall For You Pt 2 (A Hogwarts Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin