Chapter 65 - WHAT THE?!?!?!

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3rd Person's POV
"So, we're not having lessons today?" Neville asked.
Belle nodded.

"Yeah, today...all of us are going to Hogsmeade today. So, the lessons will continue on." she replied.
Neville nodded.

"But, what's wrong with Harry? He's been hanging with Kara. He usually hang out with Erika and I noticed that he's been glaring at her all the time." Neville said.

Belle sighed at that.
"I know."

"What's Erika going to do about it?" Neville asked.
"I don't know. I need a little bit more research." Belle replied.

Draco's POV - At Hogsmeade
"Look at this, Draco." Blaise said.

I looked at him, holding a .
"What is that?" I asked.
"I don't know. It looks interesting, though." he replied.

Then he put on his head. Girls passed by and giggled.
"What?" Blaise asked.

I chuckled at him.
"What?" Blaise whined.

I chuckled again.
"Dude, you're wearing a hair pin. It's for girls." I replied.

Blaise was so embarrassed, so he put it away.
"That was embarrassing." he said.

I smiled and looked at the hair pin.

It looks beautiful on Belle. I thought.

I picked it and examined it.
"Don't tell me you like it." Blaise asked. 
"I like it, but I know someone who will." I replied, looking at the pin.

"Someone? Oh, someone like----" I covered his mouth.
"Shush." I said.

I paid for the hair pin and we both got of the shop. I hope she'll like it. For a late Christmas gift.

Isabelle's POV
I went to the Potion shop and looked through the selves.
And I'm by myself. Erika is with Ron and Hermione, by the way.

"May I help you, madam?" asked the clerk.
I turned to him and he looks around his 30's.

"Well, I was wondering if I can ask a few questions, if you don't mind." I replied.
"I don't mind, miss. Ask away." he replied.

"Well, I have this friend of mine, who is nice and a polite person. And now he's all hating his other friend. And he's been hanging out with one person that he loves." I said.

The man thought as he rubbed his chin.
"Has he been glaring at that person he hates?" he asked.

"Well, yes. When she's around." I replied.
"Has he been hanging out with his lover, even though that person is not his?" he asked.
"Yes. She's a Slytherin. My friend never likes her." I replied.

"Hmmm..." he thought again.
"And plus, he gets angry at that person who's always around." I added.

He nodded as he thought. Until....

"Ah Ha! All those clues you give me." he said.
"Well, what is sure?" I asked.

"Your friend is under a powerful Love Potion. That person must've gave your a friend a wink." he replied.
"By a wink? Love Potion can to do that?" I asked.
He nodded. "Yes, that person must have spray around herself and then once your friend came into the picture...she winked!"

That's it! I thought.

"Thank you so much! But is there a cure?" I asked.
The man suddenly blushed.

"Please, sir...tell me the cure. This friend of mine id very important." I said.
"Well, that person who is under a Love Potion has to have a lover. And that lover has to kiss him fully on the lips." he said.

Never Thought I Would Fall For You Pt 2 (A Hogwarts Love Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt