Chapter 29 - Second Task

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3rd Person's POV
Isabelle was all dressed up, into swim suit. She was so nervous, actually she didn't sleep well at all.
She glanced at the bottle Kai handed her.

She then let out a sigh. Took the bottle and head out of the common room.
Harry's POV
"You're sure this is going to work, Neville? For an hour." I asked Neville.
"Most likely." He said.
"Most Likely?" I asked again.
"Well, Gillyweed mostly last for 50 minutes under salt water." He said.
"You're telling me this now! You must be joking!" I said.
"I just wanted to help." Said Neville.

I sighed out of frustration.
"Calm down, mate." Ron said.

I turned around, making sure I see Hermione and Erika.
"Where are they?" I asked.

"Who?" Ron asked.
"Hermione and Erika." I replied.

"Probably over there already. Same with Belle, Seamus saw her heading over there." Ron said.
"You look a little tense, Harry." Neville.

"Do I?" I asked, with sarcasm.
Isabelle's POV
Erika and Hermione are nowhere in sight. It got me worried.
I wonder what happened?

I just got this feeling, so I looked through the Slytherin Seatings and didn't noticed him.
Why am I looking for him anyway? I thought.

Then Harry came by and noticed me.
"Hey, Belle." he said.
"Hey Harry." I said.

"You didn't sleep well last night, haven't you?" he asked.
I nodded.

I guess he noticed my dark circles.

"Welcome to the second task! Last night, something has been stolen from the champions. They're five of them down at the bottom of the lake. There's five for each champions." Dumbledore announced.

Five? I thought.

I heard Moody said something to Harry. And he put something in his mouth.

I drink the potion Kai Oppa gave me.

Until...BOOM!! I dived in. As I dived in, I saw my legs has transformed into a tail.

A mermaids tail.

Kai Oppa, you're awesome! I thought.

I was too excited so I swam up to the surface and did a flip.
"WE ARE ONE!!!!" I shouted.

I went back into the water and swam.

I can hear the song. As I swam, I saw five of them.
I noticed them, they were: Erika, Hermione, Cho, Fleur's sister, and...Draco?

What's he doing here? And....Erika?! I thought.

One of them has to be mine to rescue.
I can't choose between Erika, Hermione, and Draco....nor the little girl.


Then I saw Harry coming towards me. He looked confused as well.
Harry and I swam up to Erika and I felt her hands....they're so cold.

Harry did a back flip and untied Erika's ropes.
Then Cedric came along...he pulled out his and aimed at Cho's ropes.

As he got Cho, he's telling me and Harry that time was running out. We nodded.
I looked at Harry and he gestured me to go ahead.

But I hesitated....because I don't know who to chose.
"Go ahead, Belle. I'll get Erika." he said.

I nodded and was about to grab Hermione, but Krum rushed in to get her.

Rude much. I thought.

Lastly was Malfoy.

And all of a sudden, my wand started to twinkle. My wand is wrapped around my arm with a little pocket. Since my legs are like a tail right now.

I think I get it. I thought.

I took out my wand and send a spell to Malfoy's ropes and released him.
I quickly swam up to him and grabbed his arm.

I turned to Harry and give him a thumbs up. He did in return. Then I took Malfoy back to the surface.

We are now up at the surface and that's when we pulled away. Malfoy coughed and I pulled him up to the surface. Seamus was there to help us.
EXO came down to get me.

"Are you alright?" Kris Oppa asked as he wrapped my cloak around me.
"Yeah." I replied.

Then suddenly...
"Belle! You're okay!" Hermione gave me a hug.
"I'm fine." I said.

I turned to Malfoy and he was freezing.
"Malfoy." I called him.

He turned to me as he shivered.
I hugged him body just moved on its own.

"Belle...." he trailed off.
"Shhh....I'm keeping you warm." I said.

~An Hour Later~
Erika and Gabrielle came up, but no Harry.

"Erika!" I exclaimed.

Seamus wrapped her in a towel, and I went up to her and hugged her.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay." she replied.

I pulled back and let out a tear.
"Shhh....Unnie is not going anywhere." Erika said.

That made me giggle a bit.

With that, Harry shot up from the water and landed on the platform.

"Go get him another towel!" Seamus said.
Dean gave him extra.

"Hermione! OW!" Harry winced.
"You must be freezing." she said.

"You did great, Harry." I said, bending down.
"I was last, Belle." said Harry.

I smiled at that.

"Next to last. Fleur didn't pass the Grindlyows." said Hermione.

Erika bend down and smiled at Harry.
"Thanks, Harry." she said.
Harry smiled back and nodded.

Erika helped Harry up on his feet.

"ATTENTION!!!!" Dumbledore shouted.

Damn! That was loud.

I just realized that I was standing beside Malfoy. It was all of a sudden, I guess.

"The winner is...Mr. Diggory!" He said. The Hufflepuffs cheered.
"Not only seeing Mr. Potter will come first, he saved Miss Lee and the others as well. We award him...SECOND PLACE!" Dumbledore added. Everyone Gryffindor cheered.
"As for Miss Lee! We decided to award her...FIRST PLACE WITH MR. DIGGORY! Even though, she had a hard time choosing which treasure she would save. Though, her sister was in that water....she trusted her comrades. And look now, the twins are safe and sound!" Dumbledore exclaimed.

My mouth went wide open, in shock.

"YAY!!!!!" EXO cheered.
"First place, Belle!" Erika said.

I smiled at that.

When suddenly, I was carried and was thrown up into the air.
"Three cheers for Harry and Belle!" Chen exclaimed.

I guess Harry was carried as well.

As I was thrown up to the air...I glanced at Draco.
He was smiling at me. I couldn't help, but blush. And I think he noticed...

" did have a hard time choosing." Erika said.
I nodded.

"It was hard, because you and Hermione were down in the lake." I said.
"Yeah. I was actually Harry's treasure." Erika said.

"And who was my treasure to save?" I asked.
" was Malfoy." she replied.

My eyes widen at that.
"Something tells me that the Yule Ball was involved in this." Erika said.

I just shrugged.

"Well, anyway. You got into first place with Cedric. Isn't that wonderful?" Erika asked.
"Not really...I really don't care about this tournament in the first place. You know that." I replied.
"Yeah, I know. But promise me something, Belle." she said.

I looked at her to continue.

"Promise me you'll make through the 3rd task. I have a bad feeling about it." she said.

I gulped.

"Um...Erika. You're starting to scare me with that look on your face." I said.
"Do I? Ha! But promise me." she said.

I nodded.

"I promise."  

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