Speechless (Part 1)

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(This was a request via private DMs, hope you like it.)

Going to make this a 2 part imagine.

The raiders cut off Louis' tongue, making it extremely hard for him to talk. It'd been 2 months after this tragic event, and Clem noticed Louis hadnt been being himself recently.

*** If you're sensitive to topics like depression, self harm, suicide and etc you might wanna give this imagine a miss. You've been warned. ***

Another day had rose, Louis used to like getting up early to practice piano. Although, after the attack 2 months ago Louis dreaded the thought of getting up so early. His negative thoughts had took over his mind, leaving him depressed and sorrowful. The thought of how he was no longer able to talk lingered in his brain constantly. He hated missing out on conversations, he hated not being able to speak properly. Louis used to be a chatterbox, but all he was now was a mute. No one could understand him at all. Which made it even worse, he had trouble writing things down when he wanted to be direct. He had a pretty bad case of dyslexia.

The group had been trying to teach Louis sign language, although they where all terrible at it. He was eager to learn how to communicate, but it was just so difficult. Sure, there where plenty of sign language books lying around Louis could easily learn from. However, he was just too down in the dumps all the time to bring himself to learn.

The only thing keeping him going was Clementine. He figured she would've left him by now, since he thought he was a waste of space. But no matter what he did, she wouldn't leave. She didn't stop trying, even when the boy got emotional and pushed all of her comfort and love away. She knew she needed to fix him, and fast before it was too late.

Clem had noticed how her boyfriend had been self harming recently, some would say it is weak and selfish but she knew he couldn't help it.

He unscrewed old pencil sharpeners, and used the blades from there. Louis figured he could just use his knife, although he was terrified of accidently cutting too deep since it was extremely sharp. Even with little pressure, it could slice skin open so easily. Of course, Clem had noticed and told Louis as calm as possible that he needed to stop before he seriously hurt himself. She always took the blades from him, and hid them where he would never see them again. However he always some how could find more, since this was a boarding school they weren't hard to get a hold of.

Whenever she noticed Louis had been cutting, her stomach would get tied up in knots. It was like she was going to be sick with anxiety, whenever she saw the metal blade lying on his bedside cabinet. She tried her best not to get angry at him, so she took it out on herself. She believed she was a shit girlfriend, and couldn't make her significant other escape from this depression.

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