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I think we all know what Jenga is, but if you don't i'll explain. You have these blocks (shown in the image above) and you have a group of people playing. Each person takes a turn and pulls a block out and they try not to knock down the tower.

The group gather inside one rainy afternoon, and decided to have a simple game of Jenga. But things got a bit heated in the end to say the least.

Rain was heavily pouring down from the storm clouds which towered over the school, it had came out of no where which shocked the group. It was extremely cold outside, it made the kids skin tingle. Although on the bright side, the walkers had slowed down a lot. 

They where all gathered inside the main building, they wanted to ride out the storm together. It was surprisingly warm in there, Marlon had found a heater and it warmed the freezing temperatures. Even if someone wanted to leave, they'd come running back soon enough as the rest of the rooms where filled with frosty air.

Ruby was rummaging through boxes, finding something for the group to do other than sit down and have a chit chat. Aasim was searching another box, as he wanted to help out the red head.

"Hey guys." Ruby announced, pulling out a couple of games in a box.

Everyone put there conversations aside, and peered over at Ruby and the games she had placed on the wooden floor.

"No way!" Willy grinned, crawling over and looking at the boxes.

There was a variety of games. Monopoly, Kerplunk, Uno, Scrabble and Jenga.

The kids gathered around, and made comments as they looked at the games with excitement. 

"What do y'all wanna play?" Ruby questioned them.

They all replied back with a load of answers, all not being the same.

"Scrabble." Mitch announced, earning a death stare from Willy.

"That's such a boring game!" Willy replied, wanting to argue over the fact Scrabble was in fact an old granny game.

"No it's not." Mitch replied with furrow brows.

Things started to get heated between Mitch and Willy, there intense glares soon developed into physical fighting. Although soon enough Marlon broke their squabble up.

"Let's take a vote." Aasim said, as the group nodded in agreement.

* * *

Jenga had won, Scrabble being the least voted.

Louis had built the tower with AJ. Teaching him how to play in the meantime. 

Everyone had taken their seats around the tower, since there was a lot of people this was going to be a very quick game of Jenga. 

Marlon's turn was first.

He reached out as his fat sausage fingers gripped onto a wooden block, he slowly pulled it out and set it down beside him. 

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