“What the hell is wrong with you for actually asking for that job?” I growled.

“At least with me there they won’t hurt you as much as they would usually,” Alan reasoned as if knowing I would have arrived at some point to object to his decision.

“You know that’s not the way these jobs work,” I muttered.

“Yeah,” he replied. “I know and so do you. I wasn’t about to let you go through this alone.”

“If you die-” I cut me off.

“We’ll both make it out of this alive,” he said with such a reassuring voice that I almost wanted to believe him, but reason and logic were always stronger.

“If you die Kendal-”

“I won’t die,” he interrupted again this time his tone more of a serious growl than anything else. “And neither will you...Are you going to tell Fray about this job?”

“He doesn’t need to know about this,” I muttered. “And how’d you know I didn’t kill him?”

“Kendal talks.” He smirked. “And I had a feeling you couldn’t have been able to do it. Especially if you had already marked each other.”

“We didn’t mark each other...” I trailed off.

“But I thought you had-” He began.

“We did, but it doesn’t mean I would let him mark me,” I said as I turned away.

“You should rest...the job is going to strain the both of us,” he changed the subject expertly.

“Yeah.” I nodded as I walked out of the room and went to mine laying on my bed. The next morning my cell rang and I saw it was Firo calling me.

“Can you go out with me today?” He said once I answered.

“I have training today,” I replied with a slight smile playing at the corners of my lips.

“Ditch that,” was his brilliant response.

“I can’t,” I answered.

“Mesler misses you,” he said and I laughed.


“Yeah, hear this,” he said as he began talking to someone who I assumed it was Mesler and the little puppy started to whimper into the phone making me laugh further. “See?”

“Fine,” I groaned. “When do I go out?”

“I’m outside right now,” he informed with a chuckle.

“I’ll be out in ten minutes,” I muttered hanging up on him as I went into the shower for five minutes coming out to get dressed and walk out into the hallway. As I was about to step out there was a cough behind me that made me turn to find Cilia standing there with a demanding look.

“You have training in a few minutes,” she informed.

“I was going to go out for a morning jog,” I answered.

“Dressed in that?” She arched a brow at my attire, I remained silent. “Go on...but if Aldo finds out about this I’m not responsible for your punishment.”

“Thank you,” I said after my shock died down a bit.

“Go on before I change my mind,” she muttered and I walked out. When I got the the car Mesler was in the front seat sitting there waiting for me and I smiled as he climbed onto me when I got in. Firo was sitting there smiling at both of us as I continued to coax Mesler until he finally settled for nuzzling into my neck to fall asleep. Firo leaned over and took my lips in his kissing me passionately as his tongue dashed out to smooth over my lips teasingly. He pulled away before I could take advantage of the situation and deepen the kiss.

Now That We're Enemies Do You Hate Me? [Slash!]Where stories live. Discover now