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Your PoV 

It's really dark when I wake up. 

I let my eyes flicker shut again, not feeling ready to be awake yet. Mikey's arms are around me still. He's holding me protectively, but his muscles are laxed, and I feel warm and safe. His breath gently breezes against my cheek from his parted lips.

I shift a bit to wrap my arms around him as well, letting a cold swath of air in under the blanket covering us as I move. Mikey readjusts himself a bit as well in his sleep and sighs.

It had never really occurred to me how different, but yet alike he and I were. Obviously our looks differed immensely. And obviously our family situations were from two different worlds. But I thought it was the coolest thing in the world to be a ninja. And he was a turtle too, so that completely defied some laws of science- the contrast of those words was almost laughable... a ninja turtle?- that Donnie probably knew tons about. I guess we both weren't too huge in the knowledge department, but since I went to school, I could jokingly tease him about having more brain capacity than he did.

We were lonely, though. We were both yearning for a friend, and fortunately somehow the stars brought us together.

I grinned, giving him another hug. I'll never look at the stars the same way after this.

I'd also been putting some thought into how maybe, possibly we could end up being something more than friends. At the moment, we were really close, close enough to be meeting each others' family, whether it was accidental or not. Come to think of it, meeting each others' families had proved to be accidental situations on both ends. 

I scooted out from under the stiflingly warm blankets, walking across the hall of our apartment into the bathroom. I switched on the light, quickly flinching at the light, and wincing as I focused on my reflection in the mirror. I'd gotten seriously scratched up.

There was a patch of skin at the corner of my forehead that had gotten a scrape from hitting the pavement, and the roots of my hair in that area were stained a dark red and stiffly dry. The rest of my hair was pretty messy. I had a bruise on my cheek and another on my hand that I noticed as I went to pick up a hairbrush from the counter. I ran it through my (h/c) hair, lost in thought. I zoned out for a minute, the brush halfway in my hair, my hand just hanging there in space. When I snapped out of my daze, I felt cold. I turned to leave the bathroom and go back to the warm couch with Mikey.

The bathroom door was slightly ajar. Before I stepped out into the hall, I spied a faint sliver of light coming from under what had been my parents' room, which wasn't far from the bathroom.

I glanced back into the bathroom, where an analog clock was stationed on the wall next to the mirror. It read somewhere around two am. Or maybe it was three? I was never excellent at reading those dumb things.

Well, whatever time it was, it wasn't time to be up with the light on. I walked out of the bathroom and stood in front of the door to my dad's room for a minute before knocking softly.

"Come in, dear," my dad's voice murmured from inside. "Or is it Moe?"

I opened the door and took a few steps inside, greeted with the sight of my father sitting on the bed in a dark pajama shirt and flannel pants, holding a framed photo in his big hand. "It's me, Dad," I whispered. "And that kid's name is Mikey, not Moe."

He smiled halfheartedly, patting the bed in a motion for me to sit next to him. "How are you feeling, Sweetie?"

"Fine, I guess," I shrug as I slide onto the side of the bed with him. "Sorry for everything. Today was a mess."

Dad sighed. "You got that right." His eyes flickered back to the photo he held. It showed him and Mom, their arms around each other and smiling happily, and me, at about ten years old. I was missing a tooth and grinning in such bliss you'd think I was at Disney World for the first time.

We both let out a sigh at the same time. That picture made my heart ache.

"You like this Mikey kid?" he asked quietly. I detected a discreet hint of his normal, joking tone that had been so scarce lately. He glanced at me, taking my hand in his. He squeezed it. "He seems like a nice guy. You just gotta get past the fact that if you guys have babies someday they could be green."

I gasped. "Dad! W-we're just friends!"

He smiled. "How'd you end up meeting him to begin with?"

I laughed faintly, sharing the whole story about what could have been just a lonely night in the skate park. "I wished on a star and he just appeared. We've just hung out and gotten really close ever since."

"He was just the friend you needed," my dad murmured. "I don't mind him, honestly. I don't want him to think I'll beat him up just because I look so huge."

"His dad isn't the wimpy type either," I replied, feeling that what I had just said was probably a serious understatement. "He's used to it, I'm pretty sure."

My dad cracked a grin. "Is he a turtle too?"

"Actually, he's a rat, I think," I corrected him. "He has three brothers, who are also turtles."

Dad had opened his mouth to interrupt before I'd said the brothers were reptilian as well, but he shut it after that. 

"Well, I'll have to meet his family and make sure he's treating you okay before you start dating," he told me. "but otherwise I'll leave your lovey business up to you."

I blushed.

He kissed my forehead, patting my shoulder. "You're still hurt, though. You need some rest."

"You do too, Dad," I reminded him gently. "'Night."

"Goodnight, (Y/n)," he responded, putting away the picture.

I walked out of the room and quietly shut the door, heading back toward the living room area. I sat next to Mikey on the couch for a moment before lying down and pulling the covers over me to keep warm. I had a lot to think about, but I knew everything was going to end up okay. I had more support surrounding me than I knew.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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