07 | Tu-lips

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Your PoV

I took a deep breath in, exhaling a wheeze. I was laughing so hard I could barely control myself.

"Okay, okay," Mikey continued. "Here's a good one. What did the pilgrims use to make cookies?"

I pause for a second, trying to subdue myself. "Wh-what?"

He breaks out in a wide grin. "May-flour! Ha!"

And that's it; I've been broken down again. My laughter rings across the empty skate park, gently echoing in the November night air.

"Shhh," he whispers, trying not to start laughing himself. "What's blue and practically weightless?"

"What?" I whisper back, covering my mouth with one hand.

"Light blue!" he wheezes, laughing. Practically falling against him, I couldn't have stopped laughing if I wanted to. Tears were coming into my eyes.

"Okay," he says again between breaths. "Where do you learn to make ice cream?"

I lie down on the ramp, not bothering to sit up this time. My hair is a mess. "Where?"

"Sundae school!" Mikey flops down beside me, covering his mouth with one arm to keep down the noise. "You're gonna wake up the whole city if you keep laughing like that, dudette," he grins helplessly.

I wrap my arms around my torso, trying to calm down. "M-man, when is the last time I laughed like that?" I asked nobody in particular.

Mikey grins. "That's what I'm here for, fool!" he sings. "What does a nosy pepper do?"

I tilt my head to one side, confused. "What?"

"Gets jalapeño business!" he replies. "What do you call a deer with no eyes?"

"What?" I ask, laughing.

"No eye deer," he says shiftily, wiggling his eyebrow ridges. "Get it?"

It takes me a second, but soon I start giggling again. "Tell me another?"

He inhales, smiling at a memory. "Leo told me this one," he says. "How many lips does a flower have?"

I raise an eyebrow at him, biting my lip.

"Tu-lips!" he replies, cracking up. I laugh in harmony with him, the corny jokes too much to handle.

Taking a deep breath, I pause.

"What's brown and sticky?" I ask slyly.

Mikey perks up, raising an eyebrow. "Maple syrup?"

"No, dummy," I reply playfully, "a stick! Ha!"

Mikey laughs harder. "You're good at this," he admits. "Tell me another one?"

I lean in close to him, my voice a whisper. "What is Darth Vader's wife's name?"

"I don't know," he whispers back. "What?"

"Ella Vader!" I cry, making finger guns at him. Mikey shakes his head, laughing uncontrollably.

"This has got to be the best night we've ever had," he murmurs once he and I have calmed down. We lie flat on our backs again and look at the dark, starry sky.

"You still want pizza?" I ask quietly. "They're probably open still."

I feel Mikey wrap his arms around me, and pull me closer to him. "No, it's all good. I don't want you to leave."

"I won't leave," I say, smiling. "I wish I never had to go home. Didn't you promise to tell me a story?"

He sighs heavily, turning his face back up toward the sky. "Shredder, right?"

"What's up with him?" I ask, noting a bit of worry in my tone. "Did he hurt you?"

"He's hurt all of us," he said softly. "My whole family, I mean. He was brought up with my sensei as his brother, and turned on him when they fought for a woman's heart. It was bad."

I cuddle closer to him. "That's terrible," I whisper.

He glances back at me, his usual smile starting to appear again. "It's okay now, I guess. He's gone. And without that, Master Splinter never would have moved to New York, ya know? I wouldn't be here without Shredder. Ironic, huh?"

"Yeah, that is ironic." I agree. "What's your sensei like?"

Mikey shrugs. "He's a pretty normal guy.... you know, if normal could be described as a big rat who's a freakin awesome ninja," he replied.

"Does... does he ever get sad or anything?" I ask quietly. "I could really see it if he had depression or something... losing someone like that had to be awful."

"He does get lost in his memories sometimes," he admits. "He has this picture on one of his shelves in the dojo. He looks at it a lot. But he says that we helped him feel less sad... we're his family, you know?"

I smile. "I want to meet your family someday. Everyone sounds awesome."

Mikey's grin fades a little. "Soon. I'll take ya there soon."

"What's that face for?" I cry playfully, crashing into him with a hug. "You'd still be my favorite! Your bros probably wouldn't even like me anyway."

"Nah, they'd love you!" Mikey replied, melding back into his old self. "Who wouldn't love you? Dude, I-"

He stopped.

I smiled nervously, my stomach flip-flopping.

Mikey buried my head in his shell, giving me a noogie. "You're my best friend, and I wouldn't give you up for anything!"

"Ow!" I yelled. "Mikey, let go!"

"What did the boss say to the pizza during their meeting?" he wheezes.

"What?" I wheeze back.

"There's MUSHROOM for improvement!" he cracked. We started laughing again.

I wipe my eyes, which are tearing up from all the bad jokes. "These are so corny, it's horrible," I say. As we calm down again, I focus on the stars.

"It's so pretty, isn't it?" he comments quietly.

I glance at him. "Huh?"

"It's pretty," he repeats. "I'm glad we can look at this together."

I grin. "Me too, Mikey. Thanks for making me laugh."

He makes a finger gun at me. "No problemo, (Y/n). Whenever you need a laugh, just call me up."

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