05 | Rush

237 11 2

Song above is mentioned below, it's called Spitting out the Demons by Gorillaz
I wanted to give ya a taste of what you're hypothetically listening to... ah, I hope you like it. Gorillaz takes some getting used to for a lot of people XD

Your PoV

'I was gone with the self of the day, gone,' the dreary voice of 2-D droned in my head. I was walking home from school, my hands jammed into my coat pockets, head down. My headphones were over my ears, blocking out the unwanted sounds of the afternoon in Manhattan.

I could envision the bored look on my face. The music barely fazed me today, unlike its normal effect. Whenever I was feeling especially down or especially hyper, I turned to music for balance. Today I felt incredibly bland.

I guess music didn't help blandness.

The song changed, shifting from slow Sleeping Powder to the two-minute intro instrumental of Spitting out the Demons, both from a band called Gorillaz. I let my fingers tap a little to the beat of the song as I walk, whispering the words as they came through with the barest movement of my lips.

I slipped into my old habits, letting the world carry on by itself as the music shielded me, gave me a place to hide from the viciousness of New York. I turned a corner, waiting at a crosswalk to walk over the mesmerizing white lines painted into the street, hardly paying attention to the crowd of walkers gathering around me. They began moving. Pulled with the sea of pedestrians, my legs moved accordingly.

Life was bland.

Same things every day, same time, same place.

Same school. Same home. Same parents. Same friends.


Half a smile appeared on my face. I couldn't truthfully say that; nothing was ever really the same with Mikey. He was so unpredictable, always joking, always flavoring our nightly meetings with something new.

I couldn't get him out of my mind.

I stepped back up onto the sidewalk, nearly tripping in the process. Pausing just for a second in my daze, unable to remember whether I turned right or left, I looked down both streets for clarification. Finding none, I turned left.

My first mistake.

Lazily searching for my street as I walked down the sidewalk, the music kept my emotions and feelings at bay, numb in the background. The crowd thinned, leaving behind a few stragglers on their way to a place unknown.

Maybe if I'd asked one where they were off to, I might have figured out where I was and turned around.

My second mistake.

Without luck, I kept walking.

And walking.... and walking.

Soon, the sky started to get dark.

I was still walking.

I tore off my headphones, crazily glancing around. Barely anything other than ominous, crumbling buildings surrounded me on the street. I'd wandered into a bad part of town. A heavy feeling gripped my stomach.

My third mistake.

My eyes searched the street for a name, recognizing nothing. I nervously pulled out my cellphone, nearly dropping it as a shrill screech echoed in my ears.

Nobody can help you, a voice shrieked. I feverishly searched the area for troublesome kids, but I was still alone.

Everyone hates you, the voice said again.

It was coming from inside my head.

I bit my lip, trying to decide what to do. I'd turn around and just head the way I came. Chances were, if I hadn't seen anyone yet, I wouldn't see any bad people on the way back. At least no gangsters had come to find me.

The voice was quiet for a few moments, allowing me mental peace for two minutes as I started back the way I'd come. The heavy pit in my stomach didn't release, and I knew it wouldn't until I was completely out of this situation.

Useless... the voice muttered. What are your parents going to say when you get home so late? How stupid do you have to be to get lost?

"Yikes," I breathed. I hadn't even thought about what my parents would say. What if I was so lost I'd never find my way home?

I glanced around again, putting my headphones back on my head to look like a regular passerby. I knew I couldn't call my parents, but what about Mikey? Could he give me directions back to my street, or at least back into a populated part of town?

I didn't wait to find out.

My fingers nimbly scrolled through my contacts page until I reached his name, pressing the call icon as soon as it opened. I took off my headphones to talk.

It rang for a moment, longer than I would have liked. I was about to give up hope and just panic silently instead.

He answered.

"Mikey!" I whispered loudly, feeling my eyes start to sting. 

"(Y/n)?" he mumbled sleepily. "What's up, girl? You sound stressed out."

I shivered, starting to walk aimlessly down the street making sure I was at least going in the right direction. "I got lost going home... You g-gotta help me, man, I'm freakin' out. I'm in a bad part of town."

I heard things being rustled around, and a squeak, as if he'd sat up in bed.

"I'll get a map and guide ya home." he said reassuringly. "Don't worry, (Y/n), I gotcha."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "I knew I could count on you."

Mikey made a winking sound over the phone. "Give me two seconds, I'll be right back."

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