09 | Hidden

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Leo's PoV

"What's he doing?" my brother Raph asks. "He's been outside for a long time."

"I wonder who called him," Donnie muses.

I shrug. "I guess it was important."

As soon as I finish talking, Mikey pops back into the room. He goes up to Master Splinter and talks to him softly for a second, then nods and is on his way out again.

Raph raises an eyebrow. "What was that about?"

"He did not explain himself very well," Sensei replies. "He only told me that he needed to help someone."

I exchange a look with my siblings. "Should we follow him?"

Splinter nods. "I'd like to know what he is doing as well. Keep hidden, and do not stay long enough to let your presence be known."

"Get the info and get out," Raph interprets. "Got it."

We walk out of the dojo, looking around to make sure Mikey left. The common room, usually in disarray, was slightly organized. Mikey had been worried; I knew the feeling of needing to keep busy while on the phone.

"He cleaned up," Donnie mumbled, incredulous.

I nod grimly. "Something's definitely wrong."

Your PoV

I sat down to wait, putting my earbuds in my ears. The subway station was dim and grimy, the few people around me shuffling about to gather their things and get on the train. I sat in bliss; silence on the outside, with my comforting music on my inside.

I felt a tap on my shoulder a few minutes later, as it seemed. I turned, getting up when I didn't see anyone.

I took out my earbuds, feeling my stomach grow heavy.

"Psst!" someone hissed from behind the bench. I crouched down, coming face-to-face with Mikey.

I crashed into him with a hug, knocking him off balance. His arms embraced my form, pressing me to his shell.

"Everything okay?" he whispered, leading me farther into the station. "You sounded kinda freaked out over the phone."

I take a look at where we're going. "Where are you taking me?"

Mikey sighs. "Home, I guess. Your parents are gonna be worried, don't you think?"

"My dad's the only one left," I say softly, my voice choking my throat. "And he's asleep. I came down here because I needed to see you, because you're the only one who can make me feel better!"

I bit my lip, not wanting to start crying even though I felt like it. Mikey stopped walking, and turned around to face me.

He outstretched his arms, bringing me close to him again. This time he didn't let go.

"It's gonna be okay," he whispered, repeating the comforting phrase over and over. "It's gonna be okay, I promise. I'm here now. I understand."

I let my head rest on his shoulder. He pets my hair, sitting down with me on a siderail. "It's gonna me okay, (Y/n). You got me as your bestie!"

I smiled a little. "I knew I could count on you."

He stood up, making sure I was balanced. Starting to hum a bouncy little theme song, he danced around on the cement in a funny way, trying to make me laugh. I put a hand over my mouth, watching him.

"Ta-da!" he said, ending his performance. "(Y/n), my home slice-bread slice-chummy-chum-pal, tell me I'm funny?"

"You're funny," I admit.

"Shout it!" he said, getting that mischievous look in his eye.

"You're funny," I repeat, a little louder this time.

"SCREAM IT!" he cries, headbanging.

I laugh. "Okay, okay! YOU'RE FUNNY!"

We collapse laughing, our spirits restored. He holds up his fist for a bump, and I connect mine with it.

He suddenly knelt down on the edge of the platform.

"Here, ride on my back." he offered, motioning to me. "You want to come to my house? Wanna meet my bros?"

I nod. "I wanna meet them," I tell him, letting him get me excited.

Mikey bounces up and down in his crouching position. "Then let's go!" I climb up on his shell, getting myself situated. He holds my feet, and is about to start walking when an argument explodes in a dark corner.

"Mikey, you can't just take this kid to the lair!" a turtle says angrily, dragging another on his arm. The angry one wears a red mask, reflecting his temper toward us, while the more passive one he's dragging along is taller and wears purple.

Mikey looks stricken. "Wh... what are you guys doing here?" he stammers.

The third and last turtle boy comes out from the shadows, rolling his eyes at the two. He wears a blue mask, his eyes an equivalent shade of blue.

"Who's the girl?" the red turtle demands.

Mikey takes a step back protectively. "She's my friend, leave her alone!"

The blue one explains to Mikey that nothing's going to happen to me. "Sensei wondered where you were going," he murmurs guiltily, shooting the other two a look. "We wouldn't have interfered if they hadn't gotten into their fight."

"He was about to bring her to the lair!" the red one shouts.

Mikey winces. "(Y/n), guess you got your wish," he says. "These are my bros. The blue one's Leo, he's chill. Raph's the angry guy, and Donnie's the tall one. You guys just need to mellow out; I wasn't doing anything."

"Raph is overreacting, but he's right." Donnie says. "You can't bring her to the lair."

"Why not?" Mikey whines. "She's already seen us, and she needs a little comfort tonight! Her parents just freakin divorced!"

Silence drops between all the guys.

Raph rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry," he mumbles. "Uh, we don't really have parents that can divorce. Guess we don't know the experience."

"I should have seen it coming," I reply quietly. "It's okay. Mikey told me a little about your dad."

"She wants to meet him," Mikey says immediately. "Let's go, guys."

Donnie locks eyes with Leo, and they start to follow us. Raph sighs, going along with it.

"You'd better not tell anybody about us," he grumbles.

I glance back at him. "I don't have any friends to tell. Unless Mikey wants to know about three other mutant ninja turtles living in the sewer," I say, reaching up to give him a noogie. He grins at me.

The rest of the trip was silent. I felt like Mikey's brothers were slowly beginning to accept me, but nothing about my anxiety would lift.

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